Co-benefits approach: Opportunities for implementing sponge city and urban heat island mitigation BJ He, J Zhu, DX Zhao, ZH Gou, JD Qi, J Wang Land Use Policy 86, 147-157, 2019 | 250 | 2019 |
Beating the urban heat: Situation, background, impacts and the way forward in China BJ He, J Wang, J Zhu, J Qi Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 161, 112350, 2022 | 245 | 2022 |
Promoting and implementing urban sustainability in China: An integration of sustainable initiatives at different urban scales BJ He, DX Zhao, J Zhu, A Darko, ZH Gou Habitat International 82, 83-93, 2018 | 218 | 2018 |
Informality and rural industry: Rethinking the impacts of E-Commerce on rural development in China W Tang, J Zhu Journal of Rural Studies 75, 20-29, 2020 | 188 | 2020 |
The rise of big data on urban studies and planning practices in China: Review and open research issues J Hao, J Zhu, R Zhong Journal of Urban Management 4 (2), 92-124, 2015 | 154 | 2015 |
Sensitivity analysis of wind pressure coefficients on CAARC standard tall buildings in CFD simulations FQ Meng, BJ He, J Zhu, DX Zhao, A Darko, ZQ Zhao Journal of Building Engineering 16, 146-158, 2018 | 131 | 2018 |
Constructing community gardens? Residents’ attitude and behaviour towards edible landscapes in emerging urban communities of China B He, J Zhu Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 34, 154-165, 2018 | 113 | 2018 |
Do grey infrastructures always elevate urban temperature? No, utilizing grey infrastructures to mitigate urban heat island effects JD Qi, BJ He, M Wang, J Zhu, WC Fu Sustainable Cities and Society 46, 101392, 2019 | 105 | 2019 |
Community blemish or new dawn for the public realm? Governance challenges for self-claimed gardens in urban China J Zhu, BJ He, W Tang, S Thompson Cities 102, 102750, 2020 | 39 | 2020 |
Conflict and compromise in planning decision-making: How does a Chinese local government negotiate its construction land quota with higher-level governments? J Zhu, W Tang Environment and Urbanization 30 (1), 155-174, 2018 | 34 | 2018 |
Is linked migration overlooked in peri-urban Shanghai? Uncovering the domino effect of driving away interregional migrants J Zhu, B Li, BJ He Habitat International 94, 102046, 2019 | 24 | 2019 |
The end of ‘toleration’? Policy ambiguity and converted-housing occupancy in China J Zhu, B Li, H Pawson Housing Studies 36 (4), 479-499, 2021 | 18 | 2021 |
The linkage between sustainable development goals 9 and 11: Examining the association between sustainable urbanization and intellectual property rights protection X Gao, J Zhu, BJ He Advanced Sustainable Systems 6 (3), 2100283, 2022 | 17 | 2022 |
The ‘Collaborative Planning Turn’ in China: Exploring three decades of diffusion, interpretation and reception in Chinese planning K Cao, J Zhu, L Zheng Cities 117, 103210, 2021 | 16 | 2021 |
How can spatial planning influence housing market dynamics in a pro-growth planning regime? A case study of Shanghai J Zhu, H Pawson, H Han, B Li Land Use Policy 116, 106066, 2022 | 13 | 2022 |
Growing rights consciousness of the marginalised and the reshuffling of the landlord–tenant power relationship: Examining a country park‐induced displacement in Shanghai J Zhu, S He, J Hao Population, Space and Place 28 (1), e2510, 2022 | 13 | 2022 |
特大城市郊区 “半城镇化” 的悖论解释及应对策略——对上海市郊的初步研究 朱金 城市规划学刊, 13-21, 2014 | 11 | 2014 |
Panacea or Pandora's Box? An institutional analysis of the contested long-term rental apartments development in China C Li, J Zhu, S He Habitat International 131, 102715, 2023 | 10 | 2023 |
Surviving in the post-repatriation era: home-making strategies of homeless people in post-socialist China J Hao, J Zhu, S Thompson Housing Studies 37 (2), 292-314, 2022 | 8 | 2022 |
从结构性失衡到均衡——我国城镇化发展的现实状况与未来趋势 朱金, 赵民 上海城市规划, 47-55, 2014 | 5 | 2014 |