Artikler med mandater om offentlig tilgang - Sarah G. PhillipsLes mer
Ikke tilgjengelige noe sted: 2
Order beyond the state: explaining Somaliland's avoidance of maritime piracy
JV Hastings, SG Phillips
The Journal of Modern African Studies 56 (1), 5-30, 2018
Mandater: Australian Research Council
The primacy of domestic politics and the reproduction of poverty and insecurity
SG Phillips
Australian Journal of International Affairs 74 (2), 147-164, 2020
Mandater: Australian Research Council
Tilgjengelige et eller annet sted: 5
When less was more: external assistance and the political settlement in Somaliland
SG Phillips
International Affairs 92 (3), 629-645, 2016
Mandater: Australian Research Council
Maritime piracy business networks and institutions in Africa
JV Hastings, SG Phillips
African Affairs 114 (457), 555-576, 2015
Mandater: Australian Research Council
‘Without Sultan Qaboos, we would be Yemen’: The renaissance narrative and the political settlement in Oman
SG Phillips, JS Hunt
Journal of International Development 29 (5), 645-660, 2017
Mandater: Australian Research Council
Proximities of Violence: Civil Order Beyond Governance Institutions
SG Phillips
International Studies Quarterly, 2019
Mandater: Australian Research Council
Trivializing Terrorists: How Counterterrorism Knowledge Undermines Local Resistance to Terrorism
SG Phillips, N al-Dawsari
Security Studies 33 (1), 30-54, 2024
Mandater: Australian Research Council
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