Célia Gouveia
Célia Gouveia
IPMA, FCUL-IDL, Portugal
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Response of vegetation to drought time-scales across global land biomes
SM Vicente-Serrano, C Gouveia, JJ Camarero, S Beguería, R Trigo, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (1), 52-57, 2013
The 2009/10 drought in China: possible causes and impacts on vegetation
D Barriopedro, CM Gouveia, RM Trigo, L Wang
Journal of Hydrometeorology 13 (4), 1251-1267, 2012
Drought impacts on vegetation activity in the Mediterranean region: An assessment using remote sensing data and multi-scale drought indicators
CM Gouveia, RM Trigo, S Beguería, SM Vicente-Serrano
Global and Planetary Change 151, 15-27, 2017
A climatological assessment of drought impact on vegetation health index
VA Bento, CM Gouveia, CC DaCamara, IF Trigo
Agricultural and forest meteorology 259, 286-295, 2018
The intense 2007–2009 drought in the Fertile Crescent: Impacts and associated atmospheric circulation
RM Trigo, CM Gouveia, D Barriopedro
Agricultural and forest meteorology 150 (9), 1245-1257, 2010
Drought and vegetation stress monitoring in Portugal using satellite data
C Gouveia, RM Trigo, CC DaCamara
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 9 (1), 185-195, 2009
Analysing the spatio-temporal impacts of the 2003 and 2010 extreme heatwaves on plant productivity in Europe
A Bastos, CM Gouveia, RM Trigo, SW Running
Biogeosciences 11 (13), 3421-3435, 2014
Contrasting patterns of the extreme drought episodes of 2005
JS Panisset, R Libonati, CMP Gouveia
Int. J. Climatol 38, 1096-1104, 2018
The global NPP dependence on ENSO: La Niña and the extraordinary year of 2011
A Bastos, SW Running, C Gouveia, RM Trigo
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 118 (3), 1247-1255, 2013
Modelling wildfire activity in Iberia with different atmospheric circulation weather types
RM Trigo, PM Sousa, MG Pereira, D Rasilla, CM Gouveia
Int. J. Climatol 36 (7), 2761-2778, 2016
The North Atlantic oscillation and European vegetation dynamics
C Gouveia, RM Trigo, CC DaCamara, R Libonati, JMC Pereira
International Journal of Climatology: A Journal of the Royal Meteorological …, 2008
Risk of crop failure due to compound dry and hot extremes estimated with nested copulas
AFS Ribeiro, A Russo, CM Gouveia, P Páscoa, J Zscheischler
Biogeosciences Discussions 2020, 1-21, 2020
Post-fire vegetation recovery in Portugal based on spot/vegetation data
C Gouveia, CC DaCamara, RM Trigo
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 10 (4), 673-684, 2010
European land CO2 sink influenced by NAO and East-Atlantic Pattern coupling
A Bastos, IA Janssens, CM Gouveia, RM Trigo, P Ciais, F Chevallier, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 10315, 2016
Drought impacts on vegetation in the pre-and post-fire events over Iberian Peninsula
CM Gouveia, A Bastos, RM Trigo, CC DaCamara
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 12 (10), 3123-3137, 2012
Assessing the role of drought events on wildfires in the Iberian Peninsula
A Russo, CM Gouveia, P Páscoa, CC DaCamara, PM Sousa, RM Trigo
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 237, 50-59, 2017
Cork oak physiological responses to manipulated water availability in a Mediterranean woodland
CK Besson, R Lobo-do-Vale, ML Rodrigues, P Almeida, A Herd, ...
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 184, 230-242, 2014
The synergy between drought and extremely hot summers in the Mediterranean
A Russo, CM Gouveia, E Dutra, PMM Soares, RM Trigo
Environmental Research Letters 14 (1), 014011, 2019
The role of drought on wheat yield interannual variability in the Iberian Peninsula from 1929 to 2012
P Páscoa, CM Gouveia, A Russo, RM Trigo
International Journal of Biometeorology 61, 439-451