Siti Nurzakiah
Siti Nurzakiah
Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
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Soil carbon dioxide emissions from a rubber plantation on tropical peat
N Wakhid, T Hirano, Y Okimoto, S Nurzakiah, D Nursyamsi
Science of the Total Environment 581, 857-865, 2017
Pengelolaan tata air lahan gambut
A Dariah, S Nurzakiah
Di dalam buku panduan. Panduan Pengelolaan Berkelanjutan Lahan Gambut …, 2014
Adaptabilitas varietas Inpara di lahan rawa pasang surut tipe luapan air B pada musim kemarau
M Saleh, S Nurzakiah
Jurnal Agronomi Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Agronomy) 45 (2), 117-123, 2017
Carbon dioxide emission and peat hydrophobicity in tidal peatlands
S Nurzakiah, N Wakhid, A Hairani
SAINS TANAH-Journal of Soil Science and Agroclimatology 17 (1), 71-77, 2020
Water management “Tabat System” in carbon dioxide mitigation and vulnerability to fire on peatland
S Nurzakiah, Nurita, D Nursyamsi
Journal of Tropical Soils 21 (1), 41-47, 2016
Estimation of the potential carbon emission from acrotelmic and catotelmic peats
S Nurzakiah, S Sabiham, B Nugroho, D Nursyamsi
Journal of Tropical Soils 19 (2), 81-89, 2015
Fe-P pools as phosphorus source for rice in acid sulfate soils
A Fahmi, A Hairani, M Alwi, S Nurzakiah
Chilean journal of agricultural research 83 (5), 626-634, 2023
The contribution of organic acid on heterotrophic CO2 flux from tropical peat: a trenching study
S Nurzakiah, A Sutandi, G Djajakirana, U Sudadi, S Sabiham
Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management 9 (1), 3035, 2021
Stratifikasi Simpanan Karbon Diatas Permukaan Tanah Pada Lahan Gambut Pasang Surut Dan Lebak [the Stratification of Above Ground C-stock in Tidal Peatland and Fresh Water …
SN Zakiah, N Wakhid, D Nursyamsi
Berita Biologi 16 (3), 2018
Soil CO2 emissions from a rubber plantation on tropical peat during a strong El Niño year
N Wakhid, S Nurzakiah
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 648 (1), 012098, 2021
Ameliorant application on variation of carbon stock and ash content on peatland South Kalimantan
S Nurzakiah, F Agus, H Syahbuddin
Journal of Tropical Soils 18 (1), 11-16, 2013
Use of humic and silica materials as soil ameliorant to improve the chemical properties of acid sulphate soil
E Maftu’ah, S Nurzakiah, Y Sulaeman, Y Lestari
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1162 (1), 012002, 2023
Pemulihan dan Konservasi Lahan Gambut
E Maftuah, S Nurzakiah
Dalam Agroekologi Rawa, Hal, 470-500, 2017
Potensi dan Kendala Pengelolaan Lahan Gambut untuk Pertanian
S Nurzakiah, A Jumberi
Agroscientiae 11 (1), 37-42, 2004
Controls on The Net Dissolved Organic Carbon Production in Tropical Peat
S Nurzakiah, A Sutandi, S Sabiham, G Djajakirana, U Sudadi
Sains Tanah Journal of Soil Science and Agroclimatology 17 (2), 161-169, 2020
The interaction of peat and sulphidic material as substratum in wetland: ash content and electrical conductivity dynamic
A Fahmi, S Nurzakiah, A Susilawati
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 393 (1), 012045, 2019
Pengelolaan Tata Air Lahan Gambut, Panduan Pengelolaan Berkelanjutan Lahan Gambut Terdegradasi
A Dariah, S Nurzakiah
Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian Kementerian Pertanian Bogor, 2014
Peluang meningkatkan indeks pertanaman padi dengan IP 300 di lahan rawa pasang surut
S Saragih, S Nurzakiah
Agroscientiae 18 (3), 38-43, 2011
Coastal acid-sulfate soils of Kalimantan, Indonesia, for food security: Characteristics, management, and future directions
Y Sulaeman, E Maftuáh, M Noor, A Hairani, S Nurzakiah, M Mukhlis, ...
Resources 13 (3), 36, 2024
Carbon dioxide mitigation with tabat system on peatland
S Nurzakiah, H Subagio
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 393 (1), 012092, 2019
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