Artikler med mandater om offentlig tilgang - David JacobsonLes mer
Ikke tilgjengelige noe sted: 4
Membrane/Electrode Assembly Water Content Measured with 2 µm Spatial Resolution Neutron Imaging
DS Hussey, JM LaManna, E Baltic, DL Jacobson, S Stariha, D Spernjak, ...
Ecs Transactions 80 (8), 385, 2017
Mandater: US Department of Energy
Neutron imaging detector with scintillation light magnification and amplification
DS Hussey, JM LaManna, E Baltic, DL Jacobson
ECS Transactions 75 (14), 245, 2016
Mandater: US Department of Energy
Small-angle scattering and dark-field imaging for validation of a new neutron far-field interferometer
CM Wolf, P Bajcsy, WR Chen, RM Dalgliesh, MC Daugherty, L De Campo, ...
Applied Crystallography 57 (6), 2024
Mandater: European Commission
Water Management in PEM Fuel Cells with Non-Precious Metal Catalyst Electrodes
D Spernjak, HT Chung, R Mukundan, RL Borup, DS Hussey, ...
Electrochemical Society Meeting Abstracts 228, 1540-1540, 2015
Mandater: US Department of Energy
Tilgjengelige et eller annet sted: 50
Beyond catalysis and membranes: visualizing and solving the challenge of electrode water accumulation and flooding in AEMFCs
TJ Omasta, AM Park, JM LaManna, Y Zhang, X Peng, L Wang, ...
Energy & Environmental Science 11 (3), 551-558, 2018
Mandater: US Department of Energy, UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Plant growth‐promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) reduce evaporation and increase soil water retention
W Zheng, S Zeng, H Bais, JM LaManna, DS Hussey, DL Jacobson, Y Jin
Water Resources Research 54 (5), 3673-3687, 2018
Mandater: US Department of Agriculture
Temperature-dependent gas accumulation in polymer electrolyte membrane electrolyzer porous transport layers
CH Lee, JK Lee, B Zhao, KF Fahy, JM LaManna, E Baltic, DS Hussey, ...
Journal of Power Sources 446, 227312, 2020
Mandater: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, National …
Critical current density as a performance indicator for gas-evolving electrochemical devices
JK Lee, CH Lee, KF Fahy, B Zhao, JM LaManna, E Baltic, DL Jacobson, ...
Cell Reports Physical Science 1 (8), 2020
Mandater: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
Spatially graded porous transport layers for gas evolving electrochemical energy conversion: High performance polymer electrolyte membrane electrolyzers
JK Lee, CH Lee, KF Fahy, PJ Kim, JM LaManna, E Baltic, DL Jacobson, ...
Energy Conversion and Management 226, 113545, 2020
Mandater: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, European Commission
Accelerating bubble detachment in porous transport layers with patterned through-pores
JK Lee, CH Lee, KF Fahy, PJ Kim, K Krause, JM LaManna, E Baltic, ...
ACS Applied Energy Materials 3 (10), 9676-9684, 2020
Mandater: Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Natural Sciences and Engineering …
Neutron imaging detector with 2 μm spatial resolution based on event reconstruction of neutron capture in gadolinium oxysulfide scintillators
DS Hussey, JM LaManna, E Baltic, DL Jacobson
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2017
Mandater: US Department of Energy
Anode-design strategies for improved performance of polymer-electrolyte fuel cells with ultra-thin electrodes
AJ Steinbach, JS Allen, RL Borup, DS Hussey, DL Jacobson, A Komlev, ...
Joule 2 (7), 1297-1312, 2018
Mandater: US Department of Energy
Three phase-grating moiré neutron interferometer for large interferometer area applications
D Sarenac, DA Pushin, MG Huber, DS Hussey, H Miao, M Arif, DG Cory, ...
Physical review letters 120 (11), 113201, 2018
Mandater: US Department of Energy, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council …
Enhanced water management of polymer electrolyte fuel cells with additive-containing microporous layers
D Spernjak, R Mukundan, RL Borup, LG Connolly, BI Zackin, ...
ACS Applied Energy Materials 1 (11), 6006-6017, 2018
Mandater: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy
A new cold neutron imaging instrument at NIST
DS Hussey, C Brocker, JC Cook, DL Jacobson, TR Gentile, WC Chen, ...
Physics Procedia 69, 48-54, 2015
Mandater: US Department of Energy
Far-field interference of a neutron white beam and the applications to noninvasive phase-contrast imaging
DA Pushin, D Sarenac, DS Hussey, H Miao, M Arif, DG Cory, MG Huber, ...
Physical review A 95 (4), 043637, 2017
Mandater: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, Canada First …
Superhydrophilic porous transport layer enhances efficiency of polymer electrolyte membrane electrolyzers
B Zhao, CH Lee, JK Lee, KF Fahy, JM LaManna, E Baltic, DL Jacobson, ...
Cell Reports Physical Science 2 (10), 2021
Mandater: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
The effect of cathode nitrogen purging on cell performance and in operando neutron imaging of a polymer electrolyte membrane electrolyzer
CH Lee, R Banerjee, N Ge, JK Lee, B Zhao, E Baltic, JM LaManna, ...
Electrochimica Acta 279, 91-98, 2018
Mandater: US Department of Energy, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council …
Neutron interferometry detection of early crack formation caused by bending fatigue in additively manufactured SS316 dogbones
AJ Brooks, DS Hussey, H Yao, A Haghshenas, J Yuan, JM LaManna, ...
Materials & Design 140, 420-430, 2018
Mandater: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy
Probing transport limitations in thick sintered battery electrodes with neutron imaging
Z Nie, S Ong, DS Hussey, JM LaManna, DL Jacobson, GM Koenig
Molecular systems design & engineering 5 (1), 245-256, 2020
Mandater: US National Science Foundation
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