Daniel Fortin
Daniel Fortin
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Wolves influence elk movements: behavior shapes a trophic cascade in Yellowstone National Park
D Fortin, HL Beyer, MS Boyce, DW Smith, T Duchesne, JS Mao
Ecology 86 (5), 1320-1330, 2005
Scale and heterogeneity in habitat selection by elk in Yellowstone National Park
MS Boyce, JS Mao, EH Merrill, D Fortin, MG Turner, J Fryxell, P Turchin
Ecoscience 10 (4), 421-431, 2003
Flexible and practical modeling of animal telemetry data: hidden Markov models and extensions
R Langrock, R King, J Matthiopoulos, L Thomas, D Fortin, JM Morales
Ecology 93 (11), 2336-2342, 2012
Moving to stay in place: behavioral mechanisms for coexistence of African large carnivores
AT Vanak, D Fortin, M Thaker, M Ogden, C Owen, S Greatwood, R Slotow
Ecology 94 (11), 2619-2631, 2013
Scales of movement by elk (Cervus elaphus) in response to heterogeneity in forage resources and predation risk
JL Frair, EH Merrill, DR Visscher, D Fortin, HL Beyer, JM Morales
Landscape ecology 20, 273-287, 2005
Ungulate foraging strategies: energy maximizing or time minimizing?
CM Bergman, JM Fryxell, CC Gates, D Fortin
Journal of Animal Ecology 70 (2), 289-300, 2001
Considering ecological dynamics in resource selection functions
PD McLoughlin, DW Morris, D Fortin, E Vander Wal, AL Contasti
Journal of animal ecology 79 (1), 4-12, 2010
Group‐size‐mediated habitat selection and group fusion–fission dynamics of bison under predation risk
D Fortin, ME Fortin, HL Beyer, T Duchesne, S Courant, K Dancose
Ecology 90 (9), 2480-2490, 2009
Foraging costs of vigilance in large mammalian herbivores
D Fortin, MS Boyce, EH Merrill, JM Fryxell
Oikos 107 (1), 172-180, 2004
Factors influencing female home range sizes in elk (Cervus elaphus) in North American landscapes
DP Anderson, JD Forester, MG Turner, JL Frair, EH Merrill, D Fortin, ...
Landscape Ecology 20, 257-271, 2005
Mixed conditional logistic regression for habitat selection studies
T Duchesne, D Fortin, N Courbin
Journal of Animal Ecology 79 (3), 548-555, 2010
Enhanced luminescent iridium (III) complexes bearing aryltriazole cyclometallated ligands
S Ladouceur, D Fortin, E Zysman-Colman
Inorganic Chemistry 50 (22), 11514-11526, 2011
State–space models link elk movement patterns to landscape characteristics in Yellowstone National Park
JD Forester, AR Ives, MG Turner, DP Anderson, D Fortin, HL Beyer, ...
Ecological Monographs 77 (2), 285-299, 2007
Poly (vinyl alcohol)–poly (ethylene glycol) double-network hydrogel: a general approach to shape memory and self-healing functionalities
G Li, H Zhang, D Fortin, H Xia, Y Zhao
Langmuir 31 (42), 11709-11716, 2015
Foraging ecology of bison at the landscape and plant community levels: the applicability of energy maximization principles
D Fortin, JM Fryxell, L O'brodovich, D Frandsen
Oecologia 134, 219-227, 2003
A memory‐based foraging tactic reveals an adaptive mechanism for restricted space use
JA Merkle, D Fortin, JM Morales
Ecology letters 17 (8), 924-931, 2014
Cumulative effects of forestry on habitat use by gray wolf (Canis lupus) in the boreal forest
M Houle, D Fortin, C Dussault, R Courtois, JP Ouellet
Landscape ecology 25, 419-433, 2010
Role of Substitution on the Photophysical Properties of 5,5′-Diaryl-2,2′-bipyridine (bpy*) in [Ir(ppy)2(bpy*)]PF6 Complexes: A Combined Experimental and …
S Ladouceur, D Fortin, E Zysman-Colman
Inorganic chemistry 49 (12), 5625-5641, 2010
Calving rate, calf survival rate, and habitat selection of forest‐dwelling caribou in a highly managed landscape
V Pinard, C Dussault, JP Ouellet, D Fortin, R Courtois
The Journal of Wildlife Management 76 (1), 189-199, 2012
The temporal scale of foraging decisions in bison
D Fortin, JM Fryxell, R Pilote
Ecology 83 (4), 970-982, 2002
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