Artikler med mandater om offentlig tilgang - Hany DweckLes mer
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A conserved dedicated olfactory circuit for detecting harmful microbes in Drosophila
MC Stensmyr, HKM Dweck, A Farhan, I Ibba, A Strutz, L Mukunda, J Linz, ...
Cell 151 (6), 1345-1357, 2012
Mandater: Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial …
Elucidating the neuronal architecture of olfactory glomeruli in the Drosophila antennal lobe
V Grabe, A Baschwitz, HKM Dweck, S Lavista-Llanos, BS Hansson, ...
Cell reports 16 (12), 3401-3413, 2016
Mandater: US National Institutes of Health
Drosophila Avoids Parasitoids by Sensing Their Semiochemicals via a Dedicated Olfactory Circuit
SAM Ebrahim, HKM Dweck, J Stökl, JE Hofferberth, F Trona, K Weniger, ...
PLoS biology 13 (12), e1002318, 2015
Mandater: German Research Foundation
A Drosophila female pheromone elicits species-specific long-range attraction via an olfactory channel with dual specificity for sex and food
S Lebreton, F Borrero-Echeverry, F Gonzalez, M Solum, EA Wallin, ...
BMC biology 15, 1-14, 2017
Mandater: Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial …
Molecular logic and evolution of bitter taste in Drosophila
HKM Dweck, JR Carlson
Current Biology 30 (1), 17-30. e3, 2020
Mandater: US National Institutes of Health
Activation of latent courtship circuitry in the brain of Drosophila females induces male-like behaviors
C Rezaval, S Pattnaik, HJ Pavlou, T Nojima, B Brüggemeier, ...
Current Biology 26 (18), 2508-2515, 2016
Mandater: UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, Wellcome Trust
Olfactory coding from the periphery to higher brain centers in the Drosophila brain
Y Seki, HKM Dweck, J Rybak, D Wicher, S Sachse, BS Hansson
BMC biology 15, 1-20, 2017
Mandater: Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany
Kairomonal Response of the Parasitoid, Bracon hebetor Say, to the Male-Produced Sex Pheromone of Its Host, the Greater Waxmoth, Galleria mellonella (L.)
HKM Dweck, GP Svensson, EA Gündüz, O Anderbrant
Journal of Chemical Ecology 36, 171-178, 2010
Mandater: Swedish Research Council
Mate discrimination among subspecies through a conserved olfactory pathway
MA Khallaf, TO Auer, V Grabe, A Depetris-Chauvin, B Ammagarahalli, ...
Science advances 6 (25), eaba5279, 2020
Mandater: US National Science Foundation, US National Institutes of Health, Swedish …
Divergence in olfactory host plant preference in D. mojavensis in response to cactus host use
P Date, HKM Dweck, MC Stensmyr, J Shann, BS Hansson, SM Rollmann
PLOS one 8 (7), e70027, 2013
Mandater: US National Institutes of Health
Evolutionary shifts in taste coding in the fruit pest Drosophila suzukii
HKM Dweck, GJS Talross, W Wang, JR Carlson
Elife 10, e64317, 2021
Mandater: US National Institutes of Health
Ir56b is an atypical ionotropic receptor that underlies appetitive salt response in Drosophila
HKM Dweck, GJS Talross, Y Luo, SAM Ebrahim, JR Carlson
Current Biology 32 (8), 1776-1787. e4, 2022
Mandater: US National Institutes of Health
Sugar sensation and mechanosensation in the egg-laying preference shift of Drosophila suzukii
W Wang, HKM Dweck, GJS Talross, A Zaidi, JM Gendron, JR Carlson
Elife 11, e81703, 2022
Mandater: US National Institutes of Health
Larval sites of the mosquito Aedes aegypti formosus in forest and domestic habitats in Africa and the potential association with oviposition evolution
S Xia, HKM Dweck, J Lutomiah, R Sang, CS McBride, NH Rose, D Ayala, ...
Ecology and evolution 11 (22), 16327-16343, 2021
Mandater: US National Institutes of Health, US Department of Agriculture
A volatile sex attractant of tsetse flies
SAM Ebrahim, HKM Dweck, BL Weiss, JR Carlson
Science 379 (6633), eade1877, 2023
Mandater: US National Institutes of Health
Diverse mechanisms of taste coding in Drosophila
HKM Dweck, JR Carlson
Science Advances 9 (46), eadj7032, 2023
Mandater: US National Institutes of Health
The subapical labial sensory organ of spotted lanternfly Lycorma delicatula
HKM Dweck, CE Rutledge
Open Biology 14 (3), 230438, 2024
Mandater: US National Institutes of Health
Base recording: a technique for analyzing responses of taste neurons in Drosophila
HKM Dweck, JR Carlson
Journal of visualized experiments: JoVE, 10.3791/66665, 2024
Mandater: US National Institutes of Health
Larval breeding sites of the mosquito Aedes aegypti in forest and domestic habitats in Africa and the potential association with oviposition evolution
S Xia, H Dweck, J Lutomiah, R Sang, C McBride, N Rose, D Ayala, ...
Authorea Preprints, 2021
Mandater: US National Institutes of Health
Oviposition of the mosquito Aedes aegypti in forest and domestic habitats in Africa
S Xia, HKM Dweck, J Lutomiah, R Sang, CS McBride, NH Rose, D Ayala, ...
bioRxiv, 2020.07. 08.192187, 2020
Mandater: US National Institutes of Health
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