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A 3-D multi-stable system with a peanut-shaped equilibrium curve: Circuit design, FPGA realization, and an application to image encryption
A Sambas, S Vaidyanathan, E Tlelo-Cuautle, B Abd-El-Atty, ...
IEEE Access 8, 137116-137132, 2020
A novel chaotic system with two circles of equilibrium points: multistability, electronic circuit and FPGA realization
A Sambas, S Vaidyanathan, E Tlelo-Cuautle, S Zhang, ...
Electronics 8 (11), 1211, 2019
Dynamical analysis and adaptive fuzzy control for the fractional-order financial risk chaotic system
Sukono, A Sambas, S He, H Liu, S Vaidyanathan, Y Hidayat, J Saputra
Advances in Difference Equations 2020, 1-12, 2020
Mathematical model and FPGA realization of a multi-stable chaotic dynamical system with a closed butterfly-like curve of equilibrium points
A Sambas, S Vaidyanathan, T Bonny, S Zhang, fnm Sukono, Y Hidayat, ...
Applied Sciences 11 (2), 788, 2021
Insurance as an alternative for sustainable economic recovery after natural disasters: A systematic literature review
Kalfin, Sukono, S Supian, M Mamat
Sustainability 14 (7), 4349, 2022
Modeling and forecasting daily temperature in Bandung
S Zahroh, Y Hidayat, RS Pontoh, A Santoso, F Sukono, AT Bon
Proceedings of the international conference on industrial engineering and …, 2019
Model estimation of claim risk and premium for motor vehicle insurance by using Bayesian method
E Lesmana, R Wulandari, H Napitupulu, S Supian
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 300 (1), 012027, 2018
Effect Contextual Factor Toward Entrepreneurial Intention Among Young Educated
D Iskamto, PL Ghazali, A Aftanorhan, AT Bon
International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management …, 2019
The development of sharia insurance and its future sustainability in risk management: a systematic literature review
R Cahyandari, Kalfin, Sukono, S Purwani, D Ratnasari, T Herawati, ...
Sustainability 15 (10), 8130, 2023
A conceptual model of investment-risk prediction in the stock market using extreme value theory with machine learning: a semisystematic literature review
Melina, Sukono, H Napitupulu, N Mohamed
Risks 11 (3), 60, 2023
Artificial neural network-based machine learning approach to stock market prediction model on the Indonesia Stock Exchange during the COVID-19
H Napitupulu, A Sambas, A Murniati, VA Kusumaningtyas
Engineering Letters, 2022
A new family of hybrid three-term conjugate gradient method for unconstrained optimization with application to image restoration and portfolio selection
M Malik, IM Sulaiman, AB Abubakar, G Ardaneswari
AIMS Mathematics 8 (1), 1-28, 2023
Enterprise architecture planning as new generation cooperatives research methods
E Dwipriyoko, ATB Bon, F Sukono
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1179 (1), 012094, 2019
Y., Suhartono, Sutijo, B., Bon, ATB, & Supian, S.(2016). Indonesian Financial Data Modeling and Forecasting by Using Econometrics Time Series and Neural Network
H Sukono
Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 12 (4), 3745-3757, 2016
Mean-variance portfolio optimization by using time series approaches based on logarithmic utility function
E Soeryana, N Fadhlina, E Rusyaman, S Supian
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 166 (1), 012003, 2017
Estimation of maximum potential losses for digital banking transaction risks using the extreme value-at-risks method
MPA Saputra, Sukono, D Chaerani
Risks 10 (1), 10, 2022
Study on structural equation modeling for analyzing data
MI Khairi, D Susanti, S Sukono
International Journal of Ethno-Sciences and Education Research 1 (3), 52-60, 2021
Application of compound Poisson process in pricing catastrophe bonds: A systematic literature review
Sukono, H Juahir, RA Ibrahim, MPA Saputra, Y Hidayat, IG Prihanto
Mathematics 10 (15), 2668, 2022
Credit scoring for cooperative of financial services using logistic regression estimated by genetic algorithm
AS Sukono, M Mamat, K Prafidya
Applied Mathematical Sciences 8 (1), 45-57, 2014
A new spectral conjugate gradient method with descent condition and global convergence property for unconstrained optimization
M Malik, M Mamat, SS Abas, IM Sulaiman
J. Math. Comput. Sci. 10 (5), 2053-2069, 2020
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