Prof. Dr. Setyo Riyanto
Prof. Dr. Setyo Riyanto
Universitas Mercu Buana
Zweryfikowany adres z mercubuana.ac.id - Strona główna
Cytowane przez
Cytowane przez
Effect of work motivation and job satisfaction on employee performance: Mediating role of employee engagement
S Riyanto, E Endri, N Herlisha
Problems and Perspectives in Management 19 (3), 162, 2021
The impact of working motivation and working environment on employees performance in Indonesia stock exchange
S Riyanto, A Sutrisno, H Ali
International Review of Management and Marketing 7 (3), 342-348, 2017
Organizational culture as a mediator motivation and transformational leadership on employee performance
AR Virgiawan, S Riyanto, E Endri
Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 10 (3), 67-79, 2021
The effect of work environment on flexible working hours, employee engagement and employee motivation
A Setiyani, D Djumarno, S Riyanto, L Nawangsari
International Review of Management and Marketing 9 (3), 112-116, 2019
The effect of training and organizational commitment on the performance of State University of Jakarta Student Cooperative (KOPMA UNJ) Management
S Riyanto, RR Yanti, H Ali
Education Science 3 (1), 2, 2017
Effect Of Compensation And Job Insecurity On Employee Engagement (Study On Employee Of Business Competition Supervisory Commission Secretariat)
S Riyanto, A Pratomo, H Ali
International Journal of Advanced Research. https://doi. org/10.21474/ijar01 …, 2017
Digital transformation in the indonesian banking industry: Impact on employee engagement
S Winasis, S Riyanto, E Ariyanto
International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change 12 (4), 528-543, 2020
The Effect of Incentives And Job Enthusiasm To Productivity of Go-Jek Driver At PT. Go-Jek Indonesia
S Riyanto, L Adila, H Ali
Journal of Research in Business and Management 5 (1), 35-41, 2017
Maintaining employee engagement and employee performance during Covid-19 pandemic at PT Koexim Mandiri Finance
J Adhitama, S Riyanto
Journal of Research in Business and Management 8 (3), 6-10, 2020
Effect of financial performance on stock return: Evidence from the food and beverages sector
E Endri, D Dermawan, Z Abidin, S Riyanto, M Manajemen
International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change 9 (10), 335-350, 2019
The Role of transformational leadership in building organizational citizenship: The civil servants of Indonesia
D Hapsari, S Riyanto, E Endri
The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business 8 (2), 595-604, 2021
Effect of Job Satisfaction and Leadership Style towards Employee Productivity at PT. Asuransi Umum Bumiputera Muda 1967
MT Maida, S Riyanto, H Ali
Saudi Journal of Business and 2, 157-168, 2017
Work life balance and its influence on employee engagement “Y” generation in courier service industry
S Riyanto, E Ariyanto, L Lukertina
International Review of Management and Marketing 9 (6), 25, 2019
The effect of compensation, work environment and training on employees’ performance of politeknik LP3I Jakarta
N Alfiyah, S Riyanto
Work 2 (5), 947-955, 2019
Transformasi digital di industri perbankan indonesia: impak pada stress kerja karyawan
S Winasis, S Riyanto
IQTISHADIA Jurnal Ekonomi & Perbankan Syariah 7 (1), 55-64, 2020
Job satisfaction and work motivation in enhancing generation Z’s organizational commitment
PR Nabahani, S Riyanto
Journal of Social Science 1 (5), 234-240, 2020
The Effect of Work Motivation, Work Environment, and Work Life Balance on Employee Performance at PT. AngkasaPura I (Persero) Sultan Aji Muhammad SulaimanSepinggan Airport …
M Thamrin, S Riyanto
IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences 19 (6), 40-47, 2020
The impact of influencers in consumer decision-making: The fashion industry
S Nurfadila, S Riyanto
Interdisciplinary journal on law, social sciences and humanities 1 (2), 1-13, 2020
The impact of leadership, organizational culture and organizational climate on employee job satisfaction (Case study: PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk)
S Riyanto, M Panggabean
4th International Conference on Management, Economics and Business (ICMEB …, 2020
Factors affecting civil servant performance in indonesia
S Riyanto, JH Prasetyo
International Journal of Entrepreneurship 25 (5), 1-15, 2021
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