Shtefan Viktoriia(ORCID:0000-0003-0631-8717)
Shtefan Viktoriia(ORCID:0000-0003-0631-8717)
Inne imiona/nazwiskaШтефан Вікторія, https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0631-8717, Shtefan V.
National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute" (grid.18192.33/ROR 00yp5c433) UKRAINE
Zweryfikowany adres z kpi.kharkov.ua - Strona główna
Cytowane przez
Cytowane przez
Corrosion behavior of AISI 304 steel in acid solutions
V Shtefan, N Kanunnikova, A Pilipenko, H Pancheva
Materials Today: Proceedings 6, 150-157, 2019
Synthesis of Ce-, Zr-, and Cu-containing oxide coatings on titanium using microarc oxidation
VV Shtefan, AY Smirnova
Russian Journal of Electrochemistry 51, 1168-1175, 2015
Electrochemical synthesis of catalytic active alloys
T Nenastina, T Bairachnaya, M Ved, V Shtefan, N Sakhnenko
Functional materials, 2007
Oxidation of titanium in Zr-and Mo-containing solutions
VV Shtefan, AY Smirnova
Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces 53, 322-328, 2017
Corrosion and electrochemical properties of binary cobalt and nickel alloys
MV Ved’, TO Nenastina, VV Shtefan, TM Bairachna, MD Sakhnenko
Materials Science 44, 840-843, 2008
Regularities of the deposition of cobalt-tungsten alloys by pulsed currents
VV Shtefan, MD Sakhnenko, LV Pomoshnyk, LP Fomina
Materials Science 43 (3), 429-433, 2007
Electrochemical formation of cerium-containing oxide coatings on titanium
VV Shtefan, AY Smirnova
Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry 86, 1842-1846, 2013
Oxidation of AISI 304 steel in Al-and Ti-containing solutions
VV Shtefan, NA Kanunnikova
Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces 56 (2), 379-384, 2020
Anodic oxidation of AISI 304 steel in acid solutions
V Shtefan, N Kanunnikova, N Balamut
Праці Одеського політехнічного університету, 89-94, 2018
Analysis of the structure and anticorrosion properties of oxide coatings on aisi 304 steel
VV Shtefan, NO Kanunnikova, TY Goncharenko
Materials Science 57 (2), 248-255, 2021
Corrosion of cobalt-molybdenum alloys in chloride solutions
VV Shtefan, OO Smyrnov, AO Bezhenko, AS Epifanova, NO Kanunnikova, ...
Materials Science 54, 512-518, 2019
Electrolytic deposition of highly hard coatings of a cobalt–molybdenum alloy
VV Shtefan, AS Epifanova, AA Koval’Ova, BI Bairachnyi
Materials science 53, 47-54, 2017
Коррозионная стойкость МДО-покрытий на титане, сформированных в W-, Мо-, V-, Ce-содержащих электролитах
АЮ Смирнова, ВВ Штефан
Коррозия: материалы, защита, 14-19, 2014
Influence of chloride on the anode dissolution of aisi 304 steel
VV Shtefan, N Kanunnikova, N Balamut, M Bofanova
Sp. z oo" Diamond trading tour", 2018
Computer modeling of the nonchromate treatment of aluminum alloys by neural networks
MV Ved’, MD Sakhnenko, VV Shtefan, SB Lyon, SV Oleinyk, LM Bilyi
Materials Science 44, 216-221, 2008
Anodic dissolution of stainless steel in acid solutions
VV Shtefan, N Kanunnikova, SA Leshchenko, N Balamut
Таврійський національний університет ім. ВІ Вернадського, 2019
Вольтамперометрія осадження сплаву СО–МО
ВВ Штефан, АС Єпіфанова, ОВ Кобзєв, ММ Метеньканич
Вісник Національного технічного університету ХПІ. Серія: Хімія, хімічна …, 2018
Corrosion of aluminum in contact with oxidized titanium and zirconium
VV Shtefan, BI Bairachnyi, GV Lisachuk, OY Smyrnova, VA Zuyok, ...
Materials Science 51, 711-718, 2016
Вольтамперометрия d [4]-d [10] металлов
ВВ Штефан, АС Епифанова, АМ Мануйлов, ЮЮ Кучма, ...
БГТУ, 2016
New approach to catalytic Co-W alloy electodeposition
M Ved, V Shtefan, T Bairachnaya, N Sakhnenko
Functional materials, 2007
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