Corroboration of a bioenergetics model for sockeye salmon DA Beauchamp, DJ Stewart, GL Thomas Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 118 (6), 597-607, 1989 | 305 | 1989 |
Effects of light, prey size, and turbidity on reaction distances of lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) to salmonid prey JL Vogel, DA Beauchamp Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 56 (7), 1293-1297, 1999 | 297 | 1999 |
Rapid growth in the early marine period improves the marine survival of Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in Puget Sound, Washington EJ Duffy, DA Beauchamp Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 68 (2), 232-240, 2011 | 284 | 2011 |
Long-term effects of a trophic cascade in a large lake ecosystem BK Ellis, JA Stanford, D Goodman, CP Stafford, DL Gustafson, ... Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (3), 1070-1075, 2011 | 231 | 2011 |
Effects of introduced lake trout on native cutthroat trout in Yellowstone Lake JR Ruzycki, DA Beauchamp, DL Yule Ecological Applications 13 (1), 23-37, 2003 | 229 | 2003 |
Low‐level copper exposures increase visibility and vulnerability of juvenile coho salmon to cutthroat trout predators JK McIntyre, DH Baldwin, DA Beauchamp, NL Scholz Ecological Applications 22 (5), 1460-1471, 2012 | 215 | 2012 |
Evidence for size‐selective mortality after the first summer of ocean growth by pink salmon JH Moss, DA Beauchamp, AD Cross, KW Myers, EV Farley Jr, JM Murphy, ... Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 134 (5), 1313-1322, 2005 | 211 | 2005 |
Developing a broader scientific foundation for river restoration: Columbia River food webs RJ Naiman, JR Alldredge, DA Beauchamp, PA Bisson, J Congleton, ... Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (52), 21201-21207, 2012 | 195 | 2012 |
Age and trophic position dominate bioaccumulation of mercury and organochlorines in the food web of Lake Washington JK McIntyre, DA Beauchamp Science of the Total Environment 372 (2-3), 571-584, 2007 | 192 | 2007 |
Reverse evolution of armor plates in the threespine stickleback J Kitano, DI Bolnick, DA Beauchamp, MM Mazur, S Mori, T Nakano, ... Current Biology 18 (10), 769-774, 2008 | 186 | 2008 |
A comparison of visual prey detection among species of piscivorous salmonids: effects of light and low turbidities MM Mazur, DA Beauchamp Environmental Biology of Fishes 67, 397-405, 2003 | 182 | 2003 |
Ontogenetic diet shifts of juvenile Chinook salmon in nearshore and offshore habitats of Puget Sound EJ Duffy, DA Beauchamp, RM Sweeting, RJ Beamish, JS Brennan Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 139 (3), 803-823, 2010 | 160 | 2010 |
Bioenergetic ontogeny: linking climate and mass-specific feeding to life-cycle growth and survival of salmon DA Beauchamp American Fisheries Society Symposium 70 (830), 1-19, 2009 | 146 | 2009 |
Estimating diel, depth-specific foraging opportunities with a visual encounter rate model for pelagic piscivores DA Beauchamp, CM Baldwin, JL Vogel, CP Gubala Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 56 (S1), 128-139, 1999 | 129 | 1999 |
Predator–prey interactions DA Beauchamp, D Wahl, BM Johnson Analysis and interpretation of freshwater fisheries data. American Fisheries …, 2007 | 125 | 2007 |
Modeling seasonal trophic interactions of adfluvial bull trout in Lake Billy Chinook, Oregon DA Beauchamp, JJ Van Tassell Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 130 (2), 204-216, 2001 | 125 | 2001 |
Distribution, size, and interannual, seasonal and diel food habits of northern Gulf of Alaska juvenile pink salmon, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha JL Armstrong, JL Boldt, AD Cross, JH Moss, ND Davis, KW Myers, ... Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 52 (1-2), 247-265, 2005 | 123 | 2005 |
Seasonal and diel food habits of rainbow trout stocked as juveniles in Lake Washington DA Beauchamp Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 119 (3), 475-482, 1990 | 123 | 1990 |
Evaluation of competition and predation as limits to juvenile kokanee and sockeye salmon production in Lake Ozette, Washington DA Beauchamp, MG Lariviere, GL Thomas North American Journal of Fisheries Management 15 (1), 193-207, 1995 | 120 | 1995 |
Energy density of Patagonian aquatic organisms and empirical predictions based on water content JE Ciancio, MA Pascual, DA Beauchamp Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 136 (5), 1415-1422, 2007 | 115 | 2007 |