Magnetic trapping of calcium monohydride molecules at millikelvin temperatures JD Weinstein, R DeCarvalho, T Guillet, B Friedrich, JM Doyle
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223 1999 Buffer-gas loading and magnetic trapping of atomic europium J Kim, B Friedrich, DP Katz, D Patterson, JD Weinstein, R DeCarvalho, ...
Physical Review Letters 78 (19), 3665, 1997
191 1997 Magnetic trapping of atomic chromium JD Weinstein, R DeCarvalho, J Kim, D Patterson, B Friedrich, JM Doyle
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111 1998 Spectroscopy of laser-ablated buffer-gas-cooled PbO at 4 K and the prospects for measuring the electric dipole moment of the electron D Egorov, JD Weinstein, D Patterson, B Friedrich, JM Doyle
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86 2019 Spectroscopy of buffer-gas cooled vanadium monoxide in a magnetic trapping field JD Weinstein, R Decarvalho, K Amar, A Boca, BC Odom, B Friedrich, ...
The Journal of chemical physics 109 (7), 2656-2661, 1998
84 1998 Spectroscopic detection of the LiHe molecule N Tariq, NA Taisan, V Singh, JD Weinstein
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73 2013 Evaporative cooling of atomic chromium JD Weinstein, CI Hancox, JM Doyle
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67 2002 Chemical reactions of atomic lithium and molecular calcium monohydride at 1 K V Singh, KS Hardman, N Tariq, MJ Lu, A Ellis, MJ Morrison, JD Weinstein
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64 2012 Zeeman spectroscopy of CaH molecules in a magnetic trap B Friedrich, JD Weinstein, R deCarvalho, JM Doyle
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55 2005 All-optical generation and photoassociative probing of sodium Bose–Einstein condensates R Dumke, M Johanning, E Gomez, JD Weinstein, KM Jones, PD Lett
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46 2015 Fine-structure-changing collisions in atomic titanium MJ Lu, KS Hardman, JD Weinstein, B Zygelman
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35 2009 Two-color photoassociation spectroscopy of the lowest triplet potential of LEE de Araujo, JD Weinstein, SD Gensemer, FK Fatemi, KM Jones, ...
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