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Matthew R. McKayProfessor, ARC Future Fellow, University of MelbourneE-mail confirmado em unimelb.edu.au
Syed Faraz AhmedUniversity of MelbourneE-mail confirmado em unimelb.edu.au
Tareq AlNaffouriKing Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST)E-mail confirmado em kaust.edu.sa
Muhammad Saqib SohailBahria University, Lahore, PakistanE-mail confirmado em bahria.edu.pk
Giuseppe CaireProfessor, Technical University of Berlin, Germany, and Professor of Electrical Engineering (onE-mail confirmado em tu-berlin.de
Raymond LouieUniversity of New South WalesE-mail confirmado em unsw.edu.au
John P BartonAssociate Professor, Department of Computational and Systems Biology, University of PittsburghE-mail confirmado em pitt.edu
David MoralesUniversity of Granada — RyC Research ProfessorE-mail confirmado em ugr.es
Karthik ShekharUC BerkeleyE-mail confirmado em berkeley.edu
Carol Y Cheung, PhDDepartment of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of HongE-mail confirmado em cuhk.edu.hk
Mohammad S. SharawiFellow IEEE, Affiliate Full Professor of Electrical Engineering, University of WashingtonE-mail confirmado em uw.edu
Muhammad OmerSaudi AramcoE-mail confirmado em ucalgary.ca
Tommy Tsan-Yuk LamThe University of Hong KongE-mail confirmado em hku.hk
Haogao GuThe University of Hong KongE-mail confirmado em connect.hku.hk
Rowena BullUniversity of New South WalesE-mail confirmado em unsw.edu.au
I-Ming HsingProfessor of Biomedical Engineering and Chemical and Biomolecular EngineeringE-mail confirmado em ust.hk
Leo PoonThe University of Hong Kong