Jamal Abdul Nasir
Jamal Abdul Nasir
Assistant Professor, School of Computer Science, University of Galway, Ireland
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Fake news detection: A hybrid CNN-RNN based deep learning approach
JA Nasir, OS Khan, I Varlamis
International Journal of Information Management Data Insights 1 (1), 100007, 2021
A survey on the state-of-the-art machine learning models in the context of NLP
W Khan, A Daud, JA Nasir, T Amjad
Kuwait journal of Science 43 (4), 2016
Semantic smoothing for text clustering
JA Nasir, I Varlamis, A Karim, G Tsatsaronis
Knowledge-Based Systems 54, 216-229, 2013
A knowledge-based semantic framework for query expansion
JA Nasir, I Varlamis, S Ishfaq
Information processing & management 56 (5), 1605-1617, 2019
Part of speech tagging in urdu: Comparison of machine and deep learning approaches
W Khan, A Daud, K Khan, JA Nasir, M Basheri, N Aljohani, FS Alotaibi
IEEE Access 7, 38918-38936, 2019
Urdu part of speech tagging using conditional random fields
W Khan, A Daud, JA Nasir, T Amjad, S Arafat, N Aljohani, FS Alotaibi
Language Resources and Evaluation, 1-32, 2019
IoT-Enabled Secure and Scalable Cloud Architecture for Multi-User Systems: A Hybrid Post-Quantum Cryptographic and Blockchain based Approach Towards a Trustworthy Cloud Computing
IM Irshad, Reyazur Rashid and Hussain, Shahid and Hussain, Ihtisham and ...
IEEE Access, 2023
A knowledge-based semantic kernel for text classification
JA Nasir, A Karim, G Tsatsaronis, I Varlamis
String Processing and Information Retrieval: 18th International Symposium …, 2011
Who will cite you back? Reciprocal link prediction in citation networks
A Daud, W Ahmed, T Amjad, JA Nasir, NR Aljohani, RA Abbasi, I Ahmad
Library Hi Tech 35 (4), 509-520, 2017
Learning to Summarise Related Sentences
E Tzouridis, JA Nasir, U Brefeld
CoLing 2014, 2014
Latent dirichlet allocation and POS tags based method for external plagiarism detection: LDA and POS tags based plagiarism detection
A Daud, JA Khan, JA Nasir, RA Abbasi, NR Aljohani, JS Alowibdi
scholarly ethics and publishing: breakthroughs in research and practice, 319-336, 2019
Recent developments for the linguistic linked open data infrastructure
T Declerck, JP McCrae, M Hartung, J Gracia, C Chiarcos, ...
Named Entity Dataset for Urdu Named Entity Recognition Task
W Khan, A Daud, JA Nasir, T Amjad
CLT 16 48, 282, 2016
An off-the-shelf approach to authorship attribution
JA Nasir, N Görnitz, U Brefeld
Proceedings of COLING 2014, the 25th International Conference on …, 2014
Extractive multi-document summarization: a review of progress in the last decade
Z Jalil, JA Nasir, M Nasir
IEEE Access 9, 130928-130946, 2021
Grapharizer: a graph-based technique for extractive multi-document summarization
Z Jalil, M Nasir, M Alazab, J Nasir, T Amjad, A Alqammaz
Electronics 12 (8), 1895, 2023
The Linked Open Data Cloud (2018)
JP McCrae, A Abele, P Buitelaar, R Cyganiak, A Jentzsch, ...
URL http://lod-cloud. net, 2021
Mitigating digital asset risks
HW Teng, WK Härdle, J Osterrieder, LJ Baals, VG Papavassiliou, ...
The linked open data cloud (2020)
J McCrae, A Abele, P Buitelaar, R Cyganiak, A Jentzsch, ...
URL lod-cloud. net (accessed 5.27. 22), 2023
iLOD: InterPlanetary File System based Linked Open Data Cloud⋆
JA Nasir, JP McCrae
MEPDaW'20 - Managing the Evolution and Preservation of the Data Web, 2020
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