J.J. Po-An Hsieh
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Understanding digital inequality: Comparing continued use behavioral models of the socio-economically advantaged and disadvantaged
JJ Hsieh, A Rai, M Keil
MIS quarterly 32 (1), 97-126, 2008
Explaining Employees Extended Use of Complex Information Systems
JJPA Hsieh, W Wang
European Journal of Information Systems 16 (3), 216-227, 2007
Motivational Differences Across Post-Acceptance Information System Usage Behaviors: An Investigation in the Business Intelligence Systems Context
X Li, JJPA Hsieh, A Rai
Information Systems Research 24 (3), 659-682, 2013
Extracting business value from IT: A sensemaking perspective of post-adoptive use
JJPA Hsieh, A Rai, SX Xu
Management Science 57 (11), 2018-2039, 2011
Expertise dissimilarity and creativity: The contingent roles of tacit and explicit knowledge sharing.
X Huang, JJ Hsieh, W He
Journal of Applied Psychology, 2014
Addressing digital inequality for the socioeconomically disadvantaged through government initiatives: Forms of capital that affect ICT utilization
JJPA Hsieh, A Rai, M Keil
Information Systems Research 22 (2), 233-253, 2011
A two-stage architecture for stock price forecasting by integrating self-organizing map and support vector regression
SH Hsu, JJ Hsieh, TC Chih, KC Hsu
Expert Systems with Applications 36 (4), 7947-7951, 2009
Impact of User Satisfaction with Mandated CRM Use on Employee Service Quality.
JJPA Hsieh, A Rai, S Petter, T Zhang
MIS Quarterly 36 (4), 1065-1080, 2012
Comparing e-Learning tools’ success: The case of instructor–student interactive vs. self-paced tools
PAJ Hsieh, V Cho
Computers & Education 57 (3), 2025-2038, 2011
Innovate with complex information technologies: A theoretical model and empirical examination
W Wang, JE Butler, JPA Hsieh, SH Hsu
Journal of Computer Information Systems 49 (1), 27-36, 2008
Constructing an index for brand equity: a hospital example
YC Wang, KC Hsu, SH Hsu, PAJJ Hsieh
The Service Industries Journal 31 (2), 311-322, 2011
Beyond routine: Symbolic adoption, extended use, and emergent use of complex information systems in the mandatory organizational context
W Wang, JJ Hsieh
The contingent effect of personal IT innovativeness and IT self-efficacy on innovative use of complex IT
W Wang, X Li, JJPA Hsieh
Behaviour & Information Technology 32 (11), 1105-1124, 2013
Understanding User Satisfaction With Instant Messaging: An Empirical Survey Study
W Wang, JJPA Hsieh, B Song
International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction 28 (3), 153-162, 2012
Understanding post-adoptive usage behaviors: A two-dimensional view
JJ Hsieh, RW Zmud
JJ Po-An Hsieh and Robert Zmud” Understanding Post-Adoptive Usage Behaviors …, 2006
Objective measures of IS usage behavior under conditions of experience and pressure using eye fixation data
A Eckhardt, JJ Hsieh, A Chan, C Maier, T Chuk, J Siao, R Buettner
Proceedings of the 34th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), 2013
Can social capital be transferred cross the boundary of the real and virtual worlds? An empirical investigation of Twitter
Q Ye, B Fang, WJ He, JJ Hsieh
Journal of electronic commerce research 13 (2), 145-156, 2012
The Impact of Service Employees’ Infusion Use of CRM Systems on Customer Satisfaction in Face-to-Face and Virtual Channels
L Chen, JJ Hsieh, A Rai, S Xu
MIS Quarterly 45 (2), 719-754, 2021
Public IT Policies in Less Developed Countries: A Critical Assessment of the Literature and a Reference Framework
RM Checchi, JJ Po-An Hsieh, DW Straub
Journal of Global Information Technology Management 6 (4), 45-64, 2003
Consuming information systems: An economic model of user satisfaction
H Sun, Y Fang, JJ Hsieh
Decision support systems 57, 188-199, 2014
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