Lardeaux Jean Marc
Lardeaux Jean Marc
Professeur de Géologie, Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis
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The Lu–Hf dating of garnets and the ages of the Alpine high-pressure metamorphism
S Duchêne, J Blichert-Toft, B Luais, P Télouk, JM Lardeaux, F Albarede
Nature 387 (6633), 586-589, 1997
An Andean type Palaeozoic convergence in the Bohemian massif
K Schulmann, J Konopásek, V Janoušek, O Lexa, JM Lardeaux, JB Edel, ...
Comptes Rendus. Géoscience 341 (2-3), 266-286, 2009
Collapse of the thickened Variscan crust in the French Massif Central: Mont Pilat extensional shear zone and St. Etienne Late Carboniferous basin
J Malavieille, P Guihot, S Costa, JM Lardeaux, V Gardien
Tectonophysics 177 (1-3), 139-149, 1990
A review of the pre-Permian geology of the Variscan French Massif Central
M Faure, JM Lardeaux, P Ledru
Comptes rendus géoscience 341 (2-3), 202-213, 2009
From granulites to eclogites in the Sesia zone (Italian Western Alps): a record of the opening and closure of the Piedmont ocean
JM Lardeaux, MI Spalla
Journal of Metamorphic Geology 9 (1), 35-59, 1991
Eclogitic metasediments from the Tso Morari area (Ladakh, Himalaya): evidence for continental subduction during India-Asia convergence
S Guillot, J De Sigoyer, JM Lardeaux, G Mascle
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 128 (2), 197-212, 1997
Où sont les nappes dans le Massif central français?
P Ledru, JM Lardeaux, D Santallier, A Autran, JM Quenardel, JP Floc'h, ...
Bulletin de la Société géologique de France, 605-618, 1989
The Variscan French Massif Central—a new addition to the ultra-high pressure metamorphic ‘club’: exhumation processes and geodynamic consequences
JM Lardeaux, P Ledru, I Daniel, S Duchene
Tectonophysics 332 (1-2), 143-167, 2001
The Velay dome (French Massif Central): melt generation and granite emplacement during orogenic evolution
P Ledru, G Courrioux, C Dallain, JM Lardeaux, JM Montel, ...
Tectonophysics 342 (3-4), 207-237, 2001
Anatomy of a diffuse cryptic suture zone: an example from the Bohemian Massif, European Variscides
K Schulmann, O Lexa, V Janoušek, JM Lardeaux, JB Edel
Geology 42 (4), 275-278, 2014
Strain pattern and late Precambrian deformation history in southern Madagascar
JE Martelat, JM Lardeaux, C Nicollet, R Rakotondrazafy
Precambrian research 102 (1-2), 1-20, 2000
Glaucophane-bearing eclogites in the Tso Morari dome (eastern Ladakh, NW Himalaya)
Eur. J. Mineral 9, 1073-108, 1997
Exhumation of eclogites: insights from depth-time path analysis
S Ducheˆne, JM Lardeaux, F Albarède
Tectonophysics 280 (1-2), 125-140, 1997
The moldanubian zone in the French Massif Central, Vosges/Schwarzwald and Bohemian Massif revisited: differences and similarities
JM Lardeaux, K Schulmann, M Faure, V Janoušek, O Lexa, E Skrzypek, ...
Evolution of nappes in the eastern margin of the Bohemian Massif: a kinematic interpretation
K Schulmann, P Ledru, A Autran, R Melka, JM Lardeaux, M Urban, ...
Geologische Rundschau 80, 73-92, 1991
Metamorphic Structure of the Alps.
R Oberhänsli, R Bousquet, M Engi, B Goffé, G Gosso, MR Handy, V Höck, ...
CCGM (Commission of the Geological Maps of the World), Paris., 2004
Late Palaeozoic palaeomagnetic and tectonic constraints for amalgamation of Pangea supercontinent in the European Variscan belt
JB Edel, K Schulmann, O Lexa, JM Lardeaux
Earth-science reviews 177, 589-612, 2018
Tectonic significance of Alpine eclogites
MI Spalla, JM Lardeaux, G vittorio Dal Piaz, G Gosso, B Messiga
Journal of geodynamics 21 (3), 257-285, 1996
Lithospheric shear zones and mantle-crust connections
E Pili, Y Ricard, JM Lardeaux, SMF Sheppard
Tectonophysics 280 (1-2), 15-29, 1997
Relations entre le métamorphisme et la déformation dans la zone Sésia-Lanzo (Alpes Occidentales) et le problème de l'éclogitisation de la croûte continentale
JM Lardeaux, G Gosso, JR Kienast, B Lombardo
Bulletin de la Société géologique de France 7 (4), 793-800, 1982
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