Marisa Llorens
Marisa Llorens
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Structural and dynamic changes in concurrent systems: reconfigurable Petri nets
M Llorens, J Oliver
IEEE Transactions on Computers 53 (9), 1147-1158, 2004
Modeling Concurrent Systems: Reconfigurable Nets.
E Badouel, M Llorens, J Oliver
PDPTA, 1568-1574, 2003
Dynamic slicing techniques for petri nets
M Llorens, J Oliver, J Silva, S Tamarit, G Vidal
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 223, 153-165, 2008
Introducing structural dynamic changes in Petri nets: Marked-controlled reconfigurable nets
M Llorens, J Oliver
International Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification and …, 2004
The MEB and CEB static analysis for CSP specifications
M Leuschel, M Llorens, J Oliver, J Silva, S Tamarit
International Symposium on Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation …, 2008
Marked-Controlled Reconfigurable Workflow Nets
M Llorens, J Oliver
Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, 2006. SYNASC'06 …, 2006
SOC: a slicer for CSP specifications
M Leuschel, M Llorens, J Oliver, J Silva, S Tamarit
Proceedings of the 2009 ACM SIGPLAN workshop on Partial evaluation and …, 2009
Static slicing of CSP specifications
M Leuschel, M Llorens, J Oliver, J Silva, S Tamarit
Proc. of the 18th International Symposium on Logic-Based Program Synthesis …, 2008
Dynamic slicing of concurrent specification languages
M Llorens, J Oliver, J Silva, S Tamarit
Parallel Computing 53, 1-22, 2016
Generating a Petri net from a CSP specification: A semantics-based method
M Llorens, J Oliver, J Silva, S Tamarit
Advances in Engineering Software 50, 110-130, 2012
A basic tool for the modeling of Marked-Controlled Reconfigurable Petri Nets
M Llorens, J Oliver
Electronic Communications of the EASST 2, 2007
An algorithm to generate the context-sensitive synchronized control flow graph
M Llorens, J Oliver, J Silva, S Tamarit
Proceedings of the 2010 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 2144-2148, 2010
Redes Reconfigurables. Modelización y Verificación
M Llorens
Universidad Politécnica de Valencia Departamento de Sistemas Informáticos y …, 2003
An Integrated Environment for Petri Net Slicing
M Llorens, J Oliver, J Silva, S Tamarit
International Conference on Applications and Theory of Petri Nets and …, 2017
Competiciones de programación. Estímulo y salida laboral para los alumnos
JA Gómez, J Planells, A Casanova, M Galiano, M Llorens, G Moltó, ...
Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática (19es: 2013: Castelló …, 2013
MCReNet: a tool for marked-controlled reconfigurable nets
M Llorens, J Oliver
Quantitative Evaluation of Systems, 2005. Second International Conference on …, 2005
Aprender, enseñar y evaluar con CAP, un Corrector Automático de tareas de Programación,”
Ó Sapena, M Galiano, N Prieto, M Llorens
XIX Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática (JENUI 2013 …, 2013
Transforming communicating sequential processes to Petri nets
M Llorens, J Oliver, J Silva, S Tamarit
Seventh Int’l Conference on Engineering Computational Technology (ICECT 2010 …, 2010
Redes Reconfigurables Controladas por Marcado: Redes de Petri con Câmbios Dinámicos Estructurales
M Llorens, J Oliver
UPV e Universidad de Valladolid eUniversidad de Salamanca, 2005
Análisis de la relación nota-posición en el aula de los alumnos en escuelas de ingeniería
C Herrero, M Llorens, J Oliver, J Silva, S Tamarit
Jornadas de Enseñanza de la Informática (18es: 2012: Ciudad Real), 2012
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