The Bad Step Tuff: a lava-like rheomorphic ignimbrite in a calc-alkaline piecemeal caldera, English Lake District MJ Branney, BP Kokelaar, BJ McConnell Bulletin of Volcanology 54, 187-199, 1992 | 131 | 1992 |
Geology of Galway Bay: a geological description to accompany the bedrock geology 1: 100,000 map series, Sheet 14, Galway Bay M Pracht, B McConnell Geological Survey of Ireland, 2004 | 55 | 2004 |
Geology of south Mayo: a geological description of south Mayo, to accompany the bedrock geology 1: 100,000 scale map series, sheet 11, south Mayo CB Long, B McConnell, ME Philcox Geological Survey of Ireland, 2005 | 50 | 2005 |
Chemical abrasion applied to LA-ICP-MS U–Pb zircon geochronology QG Crowley, K Heron, N Riggs, B Kamber, D Chew, B McConnell, K Benn Minerals 4 (2), 503-518, 2014 | 49 | 2014 |
Geology of Kildare-Wicklow: a geological description to accompany the bedrock geology 1: 100,000 Map Series, Sheet 16, Kildare-Wicklow B McConnell, ME Philcox Published under the authority of the Director of the Geological Survey of …, 1994 | 48 | 1994 |
An Ordovician basalt to peralkaline rhyolite fractionation series from Avoca, Ireland BJ McConnell, CJ Stillman, J Hertogen Journal of the Geological Society 148 (4), 711-718, 1991 | 46 | 1991 |
Detrital zircon provenance and Ordovician terrane amalgamation, western Ireland B McConnell, N Riggs, QG Crowley Journal of the Geological Society 166 (3), 473-484, 2009 | 44 | 2009 |
A comparison of the Ribband Group (southeastern Ireland) to the Manx Group (Isle of Man) and Skiddaw Group (northwestern England) BJ McConnell, JH Morris, PS Kennan Geological Society, London, Special Publications 160 (1), 337-343, 1999 | 31 | 1999 |
Geology of Meath: A geological description to accompany the bedrock geology 1: 100,000 scale map series, Sheet 13, Meath BJ McConnell, M Philcox, M Geraghty Geological Survey of Ireland, 2001 | 30 | 2001 |
Geology of north Donegal: A geological description to accompany the bedrock geology 1: 100,000 scale map series, Sheet 1 and part of Sheet 2, north Donegal CB Long, BJ McConnell Geological Survey of Ireland, 1997 | 30 | 1997 |
Multiple intrusive phases in the Leinster Batholith, Ireland: geochronology, isotope geochemistry and constraints on the deformation history T Fritschle, JS Daly, MJ Whitehouse, B McConnell, S Buhre Journal of the Geological Society 175 (2), 229-246, 2018 | 26 | 2018 |
No Exploits back-arc basin in the Iapetus suture zone of Ireland B McConnell, M Parkes, Q Crowley, A Rushton Journal of the Geological Society 172 (6), 740-747, 2015 | 26 | 2015 |
Peri-Gondwanan Ordovician arc magmatism in southeastern Ireland and the Isle of Man: Constraints on the timing of Caledonian deformation in Ganderia T Fritschle, JS Daly, B McConnell, MJ Whitehouse, JF Menuge, S Buhre, ... Bulletin 130 (11-12), 1918-1939, 2018 | 24 | 2018 |
Laurentian origin of the Ordovician Grangegeeth volcanic arc terrane, Ireland B McConnell, QG Crowley, N Riggs Journal of the Geological Society 167 (3), 469-474, 2010 | 24 | 2010 |
The Ordovician volcanic arc and marginal basin of Leinster B McConnell Irish Journal of Earth Sciences 18, 41-50, 2000 | 23 | 2000 |
Andesite petrogenesis in the Ordovician Borrowdale Volcanic Group of the English Lake District by fractionation, assimilation and mixing BJ McConnell, JF Menuge, J Hertogen Journal of the Geological Society 159 (4), 417-424, 2002 | 21 | 2002 |
Geology of East Cork-Waterford: A Geological Description of East Cork, Waterford and Adjoining Parts of Tipperary and Limerick to Accompany the Bedrock Geology 1: 100,000 Scale … AG Sleeman, B McConnell Geological Survey of Ireland, 1995 | 21 | 1995 |
Sediment provenance and tectonics on the Laurentian margin: implications of detrital zircons ages from the Central Belt of the Southern Uplands–Down–Longford Terrane in Co … B McConnell, R Rogers, Q Crowley Scottish Journal of Geology 52 (1), 11-17, 2016 | 20 | 2016 |
Initiation of Iapetus subduction under Irish Avalonia B McCONNELL, J Morris Geological Magazine 134 (2), 213-218, 1997 | 19 | 1997 |
Geology of Dingle Bay: a geological description to accompany the bedrock geology 1: 100,000 Scale Map Series, Sheet 20, Dingle Bay M Pracht, G Wright Geological Survey of Ireland, 1996 | 19 | 1996 |