Reimar Seltmann
Reimar Seltmann
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Reassessment of continental growth during the accretionary history of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt
A Kröner, V Kovach, E Belousova, E Hegner, R Armstrong, A Dolgopolova, ...
Gondwana Research 25 (1), 103-125, 2014
Hercynian post-collisional magmatism in the context of Paleozoic magmatic evolution of the Tien Shan orogenic belt
R Seltmann, D Konopelko, G Biske, F Divaev, S Sergeev
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 42 (5), 821-838, 2011
Paleozoic Tian-Shan as a transitional region between the Rheic and Urals-Turkestan oceans
YS Biske, R Seltmann
Gondwana Research 17 (2-3), 602-613, 2010
Hercynian post-collisional A-type granites of the Kokshaal Range, southern Tien Shan, Kyrgyzstan
D Konopelko, G Biske, R Seltmann, O Eklund, B Belyatsky
Lithos 97 (1-2), 140-160, 2007
Mesoproterozoic (Grenville-age) terranes in the Kyrgyz North Tianshan: Zircon ages and Nd–Hf isotopic constraints on the origin and evolution of basement blocks in the southern …
A Kröner, DV Alexeiev, Y Rojas-Agramonte, E Hegner, J Wong, X Xia, ...
Gondwana Research 23 (1), 272-295, 2013
A new concept of continental construction in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt
I Safonova, R Seltmann, A Kroner, D Gladkochub, K Schulmann, W Xiao, ...
Episodes 34 (3), 186-196, 2011
Geodynamics and metallogeny of the central Eurasian porphyry and related epithermal mineral systems: a review
R Seltmann, TM Porter, F Pirajno
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 79, 810-841, 2014
Geochemical evolution of halogen-enriched granite magmas and mineralizing fluids of the Zinnwald tin-tungsten mining district, Erzgebirge, Germany
J Webster, R Thomas, HJ Förster, R Seltmann, C Tappen
Mineralium Deposita 39, 452-472, 2004
Melt inclusions in quartz from an evolved peraluminous pegmatite: Geochemical evidence for strong tin enrichment in fluorine-rich and phosphorus-rich residual liquids
JD Webster, R Thomas, D Rhede, HJ Förster, R Seltmann
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 61 (13), 2589-2604, 1997
A review of mineral systems and associated tectonic settings of northern Xinjiang, NW China
F Pirajno, R Seltmann, Y Yang
Geoscience Frontiers 2 (2), 157-185, 2011
The porphyry Cu-Au/Mo deposits of Central Eurasia: 1. Tectonic, geologic and metallogenic setting and significant deposits
R Seltmann, TM Porter
Super porphyry copper and gold deposits: a global perspective 2, 467-512, 2005
Age and source constraints for the giant Muruntau gold deposit, Uzbekistan, from coupled Re-Os-He isotopes in arsenopyrite
R Morelli, RA Creaser, R Seltmann, FM Stuart, D Selby, T Graupner
Geology 35 (9), 795-798, 2007
Postcollisional age of the Kumtor gold deposit and timing of Hercynian events in the Tien Shan, Kyrgyzstan
J Mao, D Konopelko, R Seltmann, B Lehmann, W Chen, Y Wang, ...
Economic Geology 99 (8), 1771-1780, 2004
Cassiterite U-Pb geochronology constrains magmatic-hydrothermal evolution in complex evolved granite systems: The classic Erzgebirge tin province (Saxony and Bohemia)
R Zhang, B Lehmann, R Seltmann, W Sun, C Li
Geology 45 (12), 1095-1098, 2017
Variscan silicic magmatism and related tin-tungsten mineralization in the Erzgebirge-Slavkovský les metallogenic province
K Breiter, HJ Förster, R Seltmann
Mineralium deposita 34, 505-521, 1999
Tectonic setting, characteristics, and regional exploration criteria for gold mineralization in the Altaid orogenic collage: the Tien Shan province as a key example
A Yakubchuk, A Cole, R Seltmann, V Shatov
Trace elements and cathodoluminescence of quartz in stockwork veins of Mongolian porphyry-style deposits
A Müller, R Herrington, R Armstrong, R Seltmann, DJ Kirwin, NG Stenina, ...
Mineralium Deposita 45, 707-727, 2010
Quartz and feldspar zoning in the eastern Erzgebirge volcano-plutonic complex (Germany, Czech Republic): evidence of multiple magma mixing
A Müller, K Breiter, R Seltmann, Z Pécskay
Lithos 80 (1-4), 201-227, 2005
Application of cathodoluminescence to magmatic quartz in a tin granite–case study from the Schellerhau Granite Complex, Eastern Erzgebirge, Germany
A Müller, R Seltmann, HJ Behr
Mineralium Deposita 35, 169-189, 2000
Detrital and igneous zircon ages for supracrustal rocks of the Kyrgyz Tianshan and palaeogeographic implications
Y Rojas-Agramonte, A Kröner, DV Alexeiev, T Jeffreys, AK Khudoley, ...
Gondwana Research 26 (3-4), 957-974, 2014
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