Soils, a sink for N2O? A review L Chapuis‐Lardy, N Wrage, A Metay, JLUC CHOTTE, M Bernoux Global Change Biology 13 (1), 1-17, 2007 | 1104 | 2007 |
Endogeic earthworms shape bacterial functional communities and affect organic matter mineralization in a tropical soil L Bernard, L Chapuis-Lardy, T Razafimbelo, M Razafindrakoto, AL Pablo, ... The ISME journal 6 (1), 213-222, 2012 | 257 | 2012 |
Soil carbon stock changes in tropical croplands are mainly driven by carbon inputs: a synthesis K Fujisaki, T Chevallier, L Chapuis-Lardy, A Albrecht, T Razafimbelo, ... Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 259, 147-158, 2018 | 176 | 2018 |
Aggregate associated-C and physical protection in a tropical clayey soil under Malagasy conventional and no-tillage systems TM Razafimbelo, A Albrecht, R Oliver, T Chevallier, L Chapuis-Lardy, ... Soil and Tillage Research 98 (2), 140-149, 2008 | 174 | 2008 |
Effect of the exotic invasive plant Solidago gigantea on soil phosphorus status L Chapuis-Lardy, S Vanderhoeven, N Dassonville, LS Koutika, P Meerts Biology and Fertility of Soils 42 (6), 481-489, 2006 | 135 | 2006 |
High-performance liquid chromatography of water-soluble phenolics in leaf litter of three Eucalyptus hybrids (Congo) L Chapuis-Lardy, D Contour-Ansel, F Bernhard-Reversat Plant Science 163 (2), 217-222, 2002 | 116 | 2002 |
Effect of the endogeic earthworm Pontoscolex corethrurus on the microbial structure and activity related to CO2 and N2O fluxes from a tropical soil (Madagascar) L Chapuis-Lardy, A Brauman, L Bernard, AL Pablo, J Toucet, MJ Mano, ... Applied Soil Ecology 45 (3), 201-208, 2010 | 112 | 2010 |
Assessment of changes in soil organic matter after invasion by exotic plant species LS Koutika, S Vanderhoeven, L Chapuis-Lardy, N Dassonville, P Meerts Biology and Fertility of Soils 44 (2), 331-341, 2007 | 91 | 2007 |
Direct seeding mulch-based cropping increases both the activity and the abundance of denitrifier communities in a tropical soil E Baudoin, L Philippot, D Chèneby, L Chapuis-Lardy, N Fromin, D Bru, ... Soil Biology and Biochemistry 41 (8), 1703-1709, 2009 | 87 | 2009 |
Phosphorus concentration and solubility in dairy feces: variability and affecting factors L Chapuis-Lardy, J Fiorini, J Toth, Z Dou Journal of Dairy Science 87 (12), 4334-4341, 2004 | 79 | 2004 |
Long-term Piliostigma reticulatum intercropping in the Sahel: Crop productivity, carbon sequestration, nutrient cycling, and soil quality MBH Bright, I Diedhiou, R Bayala, K Assigbetse, L Chapuis-Lardy, ... Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 242, 9-22, 2017 | 76 | 2017 |
Impact of the invasive alien plant Solidago gigantea on primary productivity, plant nutrient content and soil mineral nutrient concentrations S Vanderhoeven, N Dassonville, L Chapuis-Lardy, M Hayez, P Meerts Plant and Soil 286 (1), 259-268, 2006 | 76 | 2006 |
Role of soil macrofauna in phosphorus cycling L Chapuis-Lardy, RCL Bayon, M Brossard, D López-Hernández, ... Phosphorus in Action, 199-213, 2011 | 73 | 2011 |
Data synthesis of carbon distribution in particle size fractions of tropical soils: Implications for soil carbon storage potential in croplands K Fujisaki, L Chapuis-Lardy, A Albrecht, T Razafimbelo, JL Chotte, ... Geoderma 313, 41-51, 2018 | 71 | 2018 |
Phosphorus transformations in a ferralsol through ingestion by Pantoscolex corethrurus, a geophagous earthworm L Chapuis-Lardy, M Brossard, P Lavelle, E Schouller European Journal of Soil Biology 34 (2), 61-67, 1998 | 69 | 1998 |
Association of shifting populations in the root zone microbiome of millet with enhanced crop productivity in the Sahel region (Africa) SJ Debenport, K Assigbetse, R Bayala, L Chapuis-Lardy, RP Dick, ... Applied and environmental microbiology 81 (8), 2841-2851, 2015 | 62 | 2015 |
Performance comparison between a miniaturized and a conventional near infrared reflectance (NIR) spectrometer for characterizing soil carbon and nitrogen BG Barthès, E Kouakoua, M Clairotte, J Lallemand, L Chapuis-Lardy, ... Geoderma 338, 422-429, 2019 | 61 | 2019 |
Seasonal effect of the exotic invasive plant Solidago gigantea on soil pH and P fractions C Herr, L Chapuis‐Lardy, N Dassonville, S Vanderhoeven, P Meerts Journal of plant nutrition and soil science 170 (6), 729-738, 2007 | 54 | 2007 |
Assessing organic phosphorus status of Cerrado oxisols (Brazil) using 31P-NMR spectroscopy and phosphomonoesterase activity measurement L Chapuis-Lardy, M Brossard, H Quiquampoix Canadian Journal of Soil Science 81 (5), 591-601, 2001 | 52 | 2001 |
Soil microbial functional capacity and diversity in a millet-shrub intercropping system of semi-arid Senegal S Diakhaté, M Gueye, T Chevallier, NH Diallo, K Assigbetsé, J Abadie, ... Journal of Arid Environments 129, 71-79, 2016 | 51 | 2016 |