Elasticity in cloud computing: state of the art and research challenges Y Al-Dhuraibi, F Paraiso, N Djarallah, P Merle IEEE Transactions on services computing 11 (2), 430-447, 2017 | 499 | 2017 |
Autonomic vertical elasticity of docker containers with elasticdocker Y Al-Dhuraibi, F Paraiso, N Djarallah, P Merle 2017 IEEE 10th international conference on cloud computing (CLOUD), 472-479, 2017 | 189 | 2017 |
Model-driven management of docker containers F Paraiso, S Challita, Y Al-Dhuraibi, P Merle 2016 IEEE 9th International Conference on cloud Computing (CLOUD), 718-725, 2016 | 104 | 2016 |
Coordinating vertical elasticity of both containers and virtual machines Y Al-Dhuraibi, F Zalila, NB Djarallah, P Merle CLOSER 2018-8th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science, 2018 | 28 | 2018 |
CloudGC: Recycling idle virtual machines in the cloud B Zhang, Y Al Dhuraibi, R Rouvoy, F Paraiso, L Seinturier 2017 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E), 105-115, 2017 | 17 | 2017 |
Model-driven elasticity management with occi Y Al-Dhuraibi, F Zalila, N Djarallah, P Merle IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing 9 (4), 1549-1562, 2019 | 13 | 2019 |
Flexible framework for elasticity in cloud computing Y Al-Dhuraibi Université lille1, 2018 | 5 | 2018 |
Gestion de ressources multi-nuages dirigé par des modèles F Paraiso, Y Al-Dhuraibi, S Challita, P Merle Compas, 7, 2016 | 1 | 2016 |
2021 Index IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing Vol. 9 A Abbas, A Agarwal, V Aggarwal, N Ahmad, F Ahmed, S Akbar, ... IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing 10 (1), 2022 | | 2022 |
Un cadre flexible pour l’élasticité dans les nuages Y Al-Dhuraibi | | 2018 |
Towards Model-Driven Multi-Cloud Resource Management F Paraiso, S Challita, Y Al-Dhuraibi, P Merle Inria Lille-Nord Europe, 2016 | | 2016 |
2018 Index IEEE Transactions on Services Computing Vol. 11 J Abawajy, B Abdulrazak, M Aiello, Y Al-Dhuraibi, R Al-Jaljouli, A Alelaiwi, ... | | |