Susanna Manrubia
Susanna Manrubia
Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (CSIC), Grupo Interdisciplinar de Sistemas Complejos (GISC)
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe mncn.csic.es
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Emergence of dynamical order. Synchronization phenomena in complex systems
SC Manrubia, AS Mikhailov, DH Zanette
Lecture Notes in Complex Systems, ISBN 981-238-803-6. World Scientic …, 2004
Self-similarity of extinction statistics in the fossil record
RV Sole, SC Manrubia, M Benton, P Bak
Nature 388 (6644), 764-767, 1997
Criticality and scaling in evolutionary ecology
RV Solé, SC Manrubia, M Benton, S Kauffman, P Bak
Trends in Ecology & Evolution 14 (4), 156-160, 1999
Extinction and self-organized criticality in a model of large-scale evolution
RV Solé, SC Manrubia
Physical Review E 54 (1), R42, 1996
Are rainforests self-organized in a critical state?
RV Solé, SC Manrubia
Journal of Theoretical Biology 173 (1), 31-40, 1995
Suppression of viral infectivity through lethal defection
A Grande-Pérez, E Lázaro, P Lowenstein, E Domingo, SC Manrubia
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 102 (12), 4448-4452, 2005
Role of intermittency in urban development: a model of large-scale city formation
DH Zanette, SC Manrubia
Physical Review Letters 79 (3), 523, 1997
Evolutionary transition toward defective RNAs that are infectious by complementation
J García-Arriaza, SC Manrubia, M Toja, E Domingo, C Escarmís
Journal of virology 78 (21), 11678-11685, 2004
Phase transitions and complex systems: Simple, nonlinear models capture complex systems at the edge of chaos
RV Solé, S Manrubia, B Luque, J Delgado, J Bascompte
Complexity 1 (4), 13-26, 1996
The turning point and end of an expanding epidemic cannot be precisely forecast
M Castro, S Ares, JA Cuesta, S Manrubia
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (42), 26190-26196, 2020
Vertical transmission of culture and the distribution of family names
DH Zanette, SC Manrubia
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 295 (1-2), 1-8, 2001
Stochastic multiplicative processes with reset events
SC Manrubia, DH Zanette
Physical Review E 59 (5), 4945, 1999
Mutual synchronization and clustering in randomly coupled chaotic dynamical networks
SC Manrubia, AS Mikhailov
Physical Review E 60 (2), 1579, 1999
Eukaryotic community distribution and its relationship to water physicochemical parameters in an extreme acidic environment, Río Tinto (Southwestern Spain)
A Aguilera, SC Manrubia, F Gómez, N Rodríguez, R Amils
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 72 (8), 5325-5330, 2006
Quasispecies dynamics and RNA virus extinction
E Domingo, C Escarmís, E Lázaro, SC Manrubia
Virus research 107 (2), 129-139, 2005
Orden y caos en sistemas complejos
RV Solé, SC Manrubia
Col.lecció Politext, Edicions UPC, Barcelona, 1996
The dawn of the RNA World: toward functional complexity through ligation of random RNA oligomers
C Briones, M Stich, SC Manrubia
RNA 15 (5), 743-749, 2009
Resistance of virus to extinction on bottleneck passages: study of a decaying and fluctuating pattern of fitness loss
E Lázaro, C Escarmís, J Pérez-Mercader, SC Manrubia, E Domingo
Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences 100 (19), 10830-10835, 2003
High mutation rates, bottlenecks, and robustness of RNA viral quasispecies
SC Manrubia, C Escarmís, E Domingo, E Lázaro
Gene 347 (2), 273-282, 2005
Viral genome segmentation can result from a trade-off between genetic content and particle stability
S Ojosnegros, J García-Arriaza, C Escarmís, SC Manrubia, C Perales, ...
PLoS Genetics 7 (3), e1001344, 2011
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