Attila Kertesz
Attila Kertesz
Associate professor at University of Szeged
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Future trends and current state of smart city concepts: A survey
A Kirimtat, O Krejcar, A Kertesz, MF Tasgetiren
IEEE access 8, 86448-86467, 2020
The use of MQTT in M2M and IoT systems: A survey
B Mishra, A Kertesz
Ieee Access 8, 201071-201086, 2020
A survey on service quality description
K Kritikos, B Pernici, P Plebani, C Cappiello, M Comuzzi, S Benrernou, ...
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 46 (1), 1-58, 2013
PF-BTS: A Privacy-Aware Fog-enhanced Blockchain-assisted task scheduling
H Baniata, A Anaqreh, A Kertesz
Information Processing & Management 58 (1), 102393, 2021
An SLA-based resource virtualization approach for on-demand service provision
A Kertesz, G Kecskemeti, I Brandic
Proceedings of the 3rd international workshop on Virtualization technologies …, 2009
Laysi: A layered approach for sla-violation propagation in self-manageable cloud infrastructures
I Brandic, VC Emeakaroha, M Maurer, S Dustdar, S Acs, A Kertesz, ...
2010 IEEE 34th Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference …, 2010
An interoperable and self-adaptive approach for SLA-based service virtualization in heterogeneous Cloud environments
A Kertész, G Kecskemeti, I Brandic
Future Generation Computer Systems 32, 54-68, 2014
A survey of IoT cloud providers
T Pflanzner, A Kertész
2016 39th International convention on information and communication …, 2016
A survey and taxonomy of simulation environments modelling fog computing
A Markus, A Kertesz
Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 101, 102042, 2020
The ENTICE approach to decompose monolithic services into microservices
G Kecskemeti, AC Marosi, A Kertesz
2016 International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation …, 2016
A survey on blockchain-fog integration approaches
H Baniata, A Kertesz
Ieee Access 8, 102657-102668, 2020
A taxonomy of grid resource brokers
A Kertész, P Kacsuk
Distributed and Parallel Systems: From Cluster to Grid Computing, 201-210, 2007
Stress-testing MQTT brokers: A comparative analysis of performance measurements
B Mishra, B Mishra, A Kertesz
Energies 14 (18), 5817, 2021
Fault-tolerant behavior in state-of-the-art grid workflow management systems
K Plankensteiner, R Prodan, T Fahringer, A Kertesz, P Kacsuk
CoreGRID, 2007
Enhancing federated cloud management with an integrated service monitoring approach
A Kertesz, G Kecskeméti, M Oriol, P Kotcauer, S Ács, M Rodríguez, ...
Journal of grid computing 11, 699-720, 2013
FCM: an architecture for integrating IaaS cloud systems
AC Marosi, G Kecskemeti, A Kertesz, P Kacsuk
IARIA, 2011
GMBS: A new middleware service for making grids interoperable
A Kertész, P Kacsuk
Future Generation Computer Systems 26 (4), 542-553, 2010
MobIoTSim: Towards a mobile IoT device simulator
T Pflanzner, A Kertész, B Spinnewyn, S Latré
2016 IEEE 4th International Conference on Future Internet of Things and …, 2016
A mobile IoT device simulator for IoT-Fog-Cloud systems
A Kertész, T Pflanzner, T Gyimóthy
Journal of Grid Computing 17, 529-551, 2019
Characterizing cloud federation approaches
A Kertesz
Cloud Computing: Challenges, Limitations and R&D Solutions, 277-296, 2014
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