Lisa K. Tiemann
Lisa K. Tiemann
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Does agricultural crop diversity enhance soil microbial biomass and organic matter dynamics? A meta‐analysis
MD McDaniel, LK Tiemann, AS Grandy
Ecological Applications 24 (3), 560-570, 2014
Crop rotational diversity enhances belowground communities and functions in an agroecosystem
LK Tiemann, AS Grandy, EE Atkinson, E Marin‐Spiotta, MD McDaniel
Ecology letters 18 (8), 761-771, 2015
Effect of nitrogen fertilization on the abundance of nitrogen cycling genes in agricultural soils: a meta-analysis of field studies
Y Ouyang, SE Evans, ML Friesen, LK Tiemann
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 127, 71-78, 2018
Minerals in the rhizosphere: overlooked mediators of soil nitrogen availability to plants and microbes
A Jilling, M Keiluweit, AR Contosta, S Frey, J Schimel, J Schnecker, ...
Biogeochemistry 139, 103-122, 2018
To fix or not to fix: controls on free-living nitrogen fixation in the rhizosphere
DN Smercina, SE Evans, ML Friesen, LK Tiemann
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 85 (6), e02546-18, 2019
Crop rotation complexity regulates the decomposition of high and low quality residues
MD McDaniel, AS Grandy, LK Tiemann, MN Weintraub
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 78, 243-254, 2014
Changes in variability of soil moisture alter microbial community C and N resource use
LK Tiemann, SA Billings
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 43 (9), 1837-1847, 2011
Towards an ecology of soil microplastics
MS Helmberger, LK Tiemann, MJ Grieshop
Functional Ecology 34 (3), 550-560, 2020
Mechanisms of soil carbon accrual and storage in bioenergy cropping systems
LK Tiemann, AS Grandy
Gcb Bioenergy 7 (2), 161-174, 2015
Intercropping increases soil extracellular enzyme activity: a meta-analysis
AJ Curtright, LK Tiemann
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 319, 107489, 2021
Root exudates shift how N mineralization and N fixation contribute to the plant-available N supply in low fertility soils
Y Liu, SE Evans, ML Friesen, LK Tiemann
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 165, 108541, 2022
Plant root exudates and rhizosphere bacterial communities shift with neighbor context
TC Ulbrich, A Rivas-Ubach, LK Tiemann, ML Friesen, SE Evans
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 172, 108753, 2022
Microbial necromass in cropland soils: a global meta‐analysis of management effects
R Zhou, Y Liu, JAJ Dungait, A Kumar, J Wang, LK Tiemann, F Zhang, ...
Global Change Biology 29 (7), 1998-2014, 2023
Developments in agricultural soil quality and health: Reflections by the research committee on soil organic matter management
MM Wander, LJ Cihacek, M Coyne, RA Drijber, JM Grossman, ...
Frontiers in Environmental Science 7, 109, 2019
Indirect effects of nitrogen amendments on organic substrate quality increase enzymatic activity driving decomposition in a mesic grassland
LK Tiemann, SA Billings
Ecosystems 14, 234-247, 2011
Effects of soil nitrogen availability on rhizodeposition in plants: a review
AW Bowsher, S Evans, LK Tiemann, ML Friesen
Plant and soil 423, 59-85, 2018
Eleven years of crop diversification alters decomposition dynamics of litter mixtures incubated with soil
MD McDaniel, AS Grandy, LK Tiemann, MN Weintraub
Ecosphere 7 (8), e01426, 2016
Warming-induced enhancement of soil N2O efflux linked to distinct response times of genes driving N2O production and consumption
SA Billings, LK Tiemann
Biogeochemistry 119, 371-386, 2014
Intraspecific variability in root traits and edaphic conditions influence soil microbiomes across 12 switchgrass cultivars
TC Ulbrich, ML Friesen, SS Roley, LK Tiemann, SE Evans
Phytobiomes Journal 5 (1), 108-120, 2021
Optimization of the 15N2 incorporation and acetylene reduction methods for free-living nitrogen fixation
DN Smercina, SE Evans, ML Friesen, LK Tiemann
Plant and Soil 445, 595-611, 2019
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