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IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 22 (3), 4300704-4300704, 2011
243 2011 High field magnets with HTS conductors HW Weijers, UP Trociewitz, WD Markiewicz, J Jiang, D Myers, ...
IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity 20 (3), 576-582, 2010
240 2010 Weak-link behavior of grain boundaries in superconducting Ba (Fe1− xCox) 2As2 bicrystals S Lee, J Jiang, JD Weiss, CM Folkman, CW Bark, C Tarantini, A Xu, ...
Applied Physics Letters 95 (21), 2009
214 2009 Strongly enhanced vortex pinning from 4 to 77 K in magnetic fields up to 31 T in 15 mol.% Zr-added (Gd, Y)-Ba-Cu-O superconducting tapes A Xu, L Delgado, N Khatri, Y Liu, V Selvamanickam, D Abraimov, ...
Apl Materials 2 (4), 2014
162 2014 Properties of recent IBAD–MOCVD coated conductors relevant to their high field, lowtemperature magnet use V Braccini, A Xu, J Jaroszynski, Y Xin, DC Larbalestier, Y Chen, G Carota, ...
Superconductor Science and Technology 24 (3), 035001, 2010
148 2010 High critical currents in heavily doped (Gd, Y) Ba2Cu3Ox superconductor tapes V Selvamanickam, MH Gharahcheshmeh, A Xu, E Galstyan, L Delgado, ...
Applied Physics Letters 106 (3), 2015
135 2015 Angular dependence of Jc for YBCO coated conductors at low temperature and very high magnetic fields A Xu, JJ Jaroszynski, F Kametani, Z Chen, DC Larbalestier, YL Viouchkov, ...
Superconductor Science and Technology 23 (1), 014003, 2009
129 2009 Progress in performance improvement and new research areas for cost reduction of 2G HTS wires V Selvamanickam, Y Chen, I Kesgin, A Guevara, T Shi, Y Yao, Y Qiao, ...
IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity 21 (3), 3049-3054, 2011
110 2011 Critical current density above 15 MA cm− 2 at 30 K, 3 T in 2.2 μm thick heavily-doped (Gd, Y) Ba2Cu3Ox superconductor tapes V Selvamanickam, MH Gharahcheshmeh, A Xu, Y Zhang, E Galstyan
Superconductor Science and Technology 28 (7), 072002, 2015
100 2015 Role of weak uncorrelated pinning introduced by BaZrO nanorods at low-temperature in Ba Cu O thin films A Xu, V Braccini, J Jaroszynski, Y Xin, DC Larbalestier
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97 2012 Engineering current density over 5 kA mm− 2 at 4.2 K, 14 T in thick film REBCO tapes G Majkic, R Pratap, A Xu, E Galstyan, HC Higley, SO Prestemon, X Wang, ...
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Scientific Reports 7 (1), 6853, 2017
39 2017 Enhanced critical current density of MgB2 superconductor synthesized in high magnetic fields Y Ma, A Xu, X Li, X Zhang, S Awaji, K Watanabe
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