Robert Rankin
Robert Rankin
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The interaction of ultra-low-frequency pc3-5 waves with charged particles in Earth’s magnetosphere
Q Zong, R Rankin, X Zhou
Reviews of Modern Plasma Physics 1, 1-90, 2017
Spectral and temporal structure in high harmonic emission from ionizing atomic gases
C Kan, CE Capjack, R Rankin, NH Burnett
Physical Review A 52 (6), R4336, 1995
Refraction effects associated with multiphoton ionization and ultrashort-pulse laser propagation in plasma waveguides
R Rankin, CE Capjack, NH Burnett, PB Corkum
Optics letters 16 (11), 835-837, 1991
Discovery of the action of a geophysical synchrotron in the Earth’s Van Allen radiation belts
IR Mann, EA Lee, SG Claudepierre, JF Fennell, A Degeling, IJ Rae, ...
Nature communications 4 (1), 2795, 2013
Coherent XUV generation from gases ionized by several cycle optical pulses
C Kan, NH Burnett, CE Capjack, R Rankin
Physical review letters 79 (16), 2971, 1997
Drift resonant generation of peaked relativistic electron distributions by Pc 5 ULF waves
AW Degeling, LG Ozeke, R Rankin, IR Mann, K Kabin
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 113 (A2), 2008
Coupling of shear flow and pressure gradient instabilities
I Voronkov, R Rankin, P Frycz, VT Tikhonchuk, JC Samson
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 102 (A5), 9639-9650, 1997
Electron trapping in shear Alfvén waves that power the aurora
CEJ Watt, R Rankin
Physical Review Letters 102 (4), 045002, 2009
Parallel electric fields in dispersive shear Alfvén waves in the dipolar magnetosphere
R Rankin, JC Samson, VT Tikhonchuk
Geophysical research letters 26 (24), 3601-3604, 1999
The nonlinear evolution of field line resonances in the Earth's magnetosphere
R Rankin, BG Harrold, JC Samson, P Frycz
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 98 (A4), 5839-5853, 1993
Auroral density fluctuations on dispersive field line resonances
R Rankin, JC Samson, VT Tikhonchuk, I Voronkov
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 104 (A3), 4399-4410, 1999
Alfvénic field line resonances in arbitrary magnetic field topology
R Rankin, K Kabin, R Marchand
Advances in Space Research 38 (8), 1720-1729, 2006
Electron inertial effects on geomagnetic field line resonances
CQ Wei, JC Samson, R Rankin, P Frycz
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 99 (A6), 11265-11276, 1994
Self‐consistent electron acceleration due to inertial Alfvén wave pulses
CEJ Watt, R Rankin, IJ Rae, DM Wright
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 110 (A10), 2005
Charged particle behavior in the growth and damping stages of ultralow frequency waves: Theory and Van Allen Probes observations
XZ Zhou, ZH Wang, QG Zong, R Rankin, MG Kivelson, XR Chen, JB Blake, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 121 (4), 3254-3263, 2016
Optical signatures of auroral arcs produced by field line resonances: comparison with satellite observations and modeling
JC Samson, R Rankin, VT Tikhonchuk
Annales Geophysicae 21 (4), 933-945, 2003
Nonlinear standing shear Alfvén waves in the Earth's magnetosphere
R Rankin, P Frycz, VT Tikhonchuk, JC Samson
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 99 (A11), 21291-21301, 1994
Electron trapping and acceleration by kinetic Alfven waves in the inner magnetosphere
AV Artemyev, R Rankin, M Blanco
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 120 (12), 10,305-10,316, 2015
Shear Alfvén waves on stretched magnetic field lines near midnight in Earth's magnetosphere
R Rankin, F Fenrich, VT Tikhonchuk
Geophysical research letters 27 (20), 3265-3268, 2000
Relativistic electron dynamics produced by azimuthally localized poloidal mode ULF waves: Boomerang‐shaped pitch angle evolutions
YX Hao, QG Zong, XZ Zhou, R Rankin, XR Chen, Y Liu, SY Fu, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 44 (15), 7618-7627, 2017
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