Jim Cohoon
Citat de
Citat de
Punctuated equilibria: a parallel genetic algorithm
JP Cohoon, SU Hegde, WN Martin, D Richards
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Genetic Algorithms on …, 1987
Genetic placement
JP Cohoon, WD Paris
IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and …, 1987
Distributed genetic algorithms for the floorplan design problem
JP Cohoon, SU Hegde, WN Martin, DS Richards
IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and …, 1991
A Multi-population Genetic Algorithm for Solving the K-Partitioning Problem on Hypercubes
JP Cohoon
Proc. of Intl. Conf. on Genetic Algorithms, 244-248, 1991
Performance-oriented placement and routing for field-programmable gate arrays
MJ Alexander, JP Cohoon, JL Ganley, G Robins
Proceedings of EURO-DAC. European Design Automation Conference, 80-85, 1995
Routing a multi-terminal critical net: Steiner tree construction in the presence of obstacles
JL Ganley, JP Cohoon
Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems-ISCAS'94 …, 1994
Placement and Routing for Performance‐Oriented FPGA Layout
MJ Alexander, JP Cohoon, JL Ganley, G Robins
VLSI Design 7 (1), 97-110, 1998
BEAVER: A computational-geometry-based tool for switchbox routing
JP Cohoon, PL Heck
IEEE transactions on computer-aided design of integrated circuits and …, 1988
Three-dimensional field-programmable gate arrays
MJ Alexander, JP Cohoon, JL Colflesh, J Karro, G Robins
Proceedings of Eighth International Application Specific Integrated Circuits …, 1995
Genetic algorithms and punctuated equilibria in VLSI
JP Cohoon, WN Martin, DS Richards
Parallel Problem Solving from Nature: 1st Workshop, PPSN I Dortmund, FRG …, 1991
Evolutionary algorithms for the physical design of VLSI circuits
J Cohoon, J Kairo, J Lienig
Advances in evolutionary computing: theory and applications, 683-711, 2003
C++ Program Design: An introduction to programming
JP Cohoon, JW Davidson
McGraw Hill, 2002, 2002
Floorplan design using distributed genetic algorithms
JP Cohoon, SU Hegde, WN Martin, D Richards
1988 IEEE International Conference on Computer-Aided Design, 452,453,454,455 …, 1988
Minimum-congestion hypergraph embedding in a cycle
JL Ganley, JP Cohoon
IEEE transactions on computers 46 (5), 600-602, 1997
An optimal Steiner tree algorithm for a net whose terminals lie on the perimeter of a rectangle
JP Cohoon, DS Richards, JS Salowe
IEEE transactions on computer-aided design of integrated circuits and …, 1990
An introductory course format for promoting diversity and retention
JP Cohoon
Proceedings of the 38th SIGCSE technical symposium on Computer science …, 2007
Critical net routing
JP Cohoon, LJ Randall
[1991 Proceedings] IEEE International Conference on Computer Design: VLSI in …, 1991
Analysis of a CS1 approach for attracting diverse and inexperienced students to computing majors
JP Cohoon, LA Tychonievich
Proceedings of the 42nd ACM technical symposium on Computer science …, 2011
Single bend wiring
R Raghavan, J Cohoon, S Sahni
Journal of Algorithms 7 (2), 232-257, 1986
Placement and routing for three-dimensional FPGAs
AJ Alexander, JP Cohoon, JL Colflesh, J Karro, EL Peters, G Robins
Fourth Canadian Workshop on Field-Programmable Devices 71, 1996
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