Louis Jochems
Louis Jochems
Trout Unlimited
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Comparison of different analytical strategies for classifying invasive wetland vegetation in imagery from unpiloted aerial systems (UAS)
LW Jochems, J Brandt, A Monks, M Cattau, N Kolarik, J Tallant, S Lishawa
Remote Sensing 13 (23), 4733, 2021
Do southern seed or soil microbes mitigate the effects of warming on establishing prairie plant communities?
LW Jochems, JA Lau, LA Brudvig, E Grman
Ecological Applications 32 (1), e02487, 2022
Socio‐ecological interactions promote outbreaks of a harmful invasive plant in an urban landscape
TT Caughlin, M Clark, LW Jochems, N Kolarik, A Zaiats, C Hall, ...
Ecological Solutions and Evidence 4 (2), e12247, 2023
Active remote sensing data and dispersal processes improve predictions for an invasive aquatic plant during a climatic extreme in Great Lakes coastal wetlands
L Jochems, J Brandt, C Kingdon, SJ Schurkamp, A Monks, SC Lishawa
Journal of Environmental Management 370, 122610, 2024
Tracking an Invasive Plant in Coastal Wetlands: Approaches Using Detection, Prediction, and Inference
LW Jochems
Boise State University, 2023
Seed Source, Not Soil Microbial Community, Affects Plant Community Response to Experimental Warming
LW Jochems
Eastern Michigan University, 2018
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