Early detection of toxigenic fungi on maize by hyperspectral imaging analysis A Del Fiore, M Reverberi, A Ricelli, F Pinzari, S Serranti, AA Fabbri, ... International journal of food microbiology 144 (1), 64-71, 2010 | 287 | 2010 |
Salinity and bacterial diversity: to what extent does the concentration of salt affect the bacterial community in a saline soil? L Canfora, G Bacci, F Pinzari, G Lo Papa, C Dazzi, A Benedetti PLoS One 9 (9), e106662, 2014 | 278 | 2014 |
Efficacy of biofertilizers: challenges to improve crop production E Malusà, F Pinzari, L Canfora Microbial Inoculants in Sustainable Agricultural Productivity: Vol. 2 …, 2016 | 261 | 2016 |
The revenge of time: fungal deterioration of cultural heritage with particular reference to books, paper and parchment K Sterflinger, F Pinzari Environmental Microbiology 14 (3), 559-566, 2012 | 230 | 2012 |
Application of molecular techniques for identification of fungal communities colonising paper material A Michaelsen, F Pinzari, K Ripka, W Lubitz, G Piñar International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 58 (3-4), 133-141, 2006 | 169 | 2006 |
When salt meddles between plant, soil, and microorganisms A Otlewska, M Migliore, K Dybka-Stępień, A Manfredini, ... Frontiers in plant science 11, 553087, 2020 | 167 | 2020 |
Biodeterioration of paper: A SEM study of fungal spoilage reproduced under controlled conditions F Pinzari, G Pasquariello, A De Mico Macromolecular Symposia 238 (1), 57-66, 2006 | 147 | 2006 |
Molecular and microscopical investigation of the microflora inhabiting a deteriorated Italian manuscript dated from the thirteenth century A Michaelsen, G Piñar, F Pinzari Microbial Ecology 60, 69-80, 2010 | 143 | 2010 |
The extreme environment of a library: Xerophilic fungi inhabiting indoor niches A Micheluz, S Manente, V Tigini, V Prigione, F Pinzari, G Ravagnan, ... International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 99, 1-7, 2015 | 128 | 2015 |
Application of electronic nose technology for the detection of fungal contamination in library paper O Canhoto, F Pinzari, C Fanelli, N Magan International biodeterioration & biodegradation 54 (4), 303-309, 2004 | 104 | 2004 |
Monitoring the effects of different conservation treatments on paper-infecting fungi A Michaelsen, F Pinzari, N Barbabietola, G Piñar International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 84, 333-341, 2013 | 101 | 2013 |
Fungal biodeterioration of historical library materials stored in Compactus movable shelves M Montanari, V Melloni, F Pinzari, G Innocenti International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 75, 83-88, 2012 | 101 | 2012 |
Biodeterioration and restoration of a 16th-century book using a combination of conventional and molecular techniques: a case study A Michaelsen, G Pinar, M Montanari, F Pinzari International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 63 (2), 161-168, 2009 | 98 | 2009 |
Use of biochemical indices in the Mediterranean environment: comparison among soils under different forest vegetation F Pinzari, A Trinchera, A Benedetti, P Sequi Journal of Microbiological Methods 36 (1-2), 21-28, 1999 | 96 | 1999 |
How Peroxisomes Affect Aflatoxin Biosynthesis in Aspergillus Flavus M Reverberi, M Punelli, CA Smith, S Zjalic, M Scarpari, V Scala, ... Public Library of Science 7 (10), e48097, 2012 | 89 | 2012 |
Future directions and challenges in biodeterioration research on historic materials and cultural properties K Sterflinger, B Little, G Pinar, F Pinzari, A de los Rios, JD Gu International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 129, 10-12, 2018 | 88 | 2018 |
Biodegradation of inorganic components in paper documents: formation of calcium oxalate crystals as a consequence of Aspergillus terreus Thom growth F Pinzari, M Zotti, A De Mico, P Calvini International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 64 (6), 499-505, 2010 | 88 | 2010 |
Roles of saprotrophic fungi in biodegradation or transformation of organic and inorganic pollutants in co-contaminated sites A Ceci, F Pinzari, F Russo, AM Persiani, GM Gadd Applied microbiology and biotechnology 103 (1), 53-68, 2019 | 87 | 2019 |
Unmasking the measles‐like parchment discoloration: molecular and microanalytical approach G Piñar, K Sterflinger, F Pinzari Environmental microbiology 17 (2), 427-443, 2015 | 83 | 2015 |
Saprotrophic soil fungi to improve phosphorus solubilisation and release: In vitro abilities of several species A Ceci, F Pinzari, F Russo, O Maggi, AM Persiani Ambio 47, 30-40, 2018 | 74 | 2018 |