Duncan D Smith
Duncan D Smith
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe wisc.edu
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The roles of hydraulic and carbon stress in a widespread climate-induced forest die-off
WRL Anderegg, JA Berry, DD Smith, JS Sperry, LDL Anderegg, CB Field
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (1), 233-237, 2012
Mapping ‘hydroscapes’ along the iso‐to anisohydric continuum of stomatal regulation of plant water status
FC Meinzer, DR Woodruff, DE Marias, DD Smith, KA McCulloh, ...
Ecology letters 19 (11), 1343-1352, 2016
Rare pits, large vessels and extreme vulnerability to cavitation in a ring‐porous tree species
MA Christman, JS Sperry, DD Smith
New Phytologist 193 (3), 713-720, 2012
Hydraulic trade-offs and space filling enable better predictions of vascular structure and function in plants
VM Savage, LP Bentley, BJ Enquist, JS Sperry, DD Smith, PB Reich, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (52), 22722-22727, 2010
Vulnerability curves by centrifugation: is there an open vessel artefact, and are ‘r’shaped curves necessarily invalid?
JS Sperry, MA Christman, JM TORRES‐RUIZ, H Taneda, DD Smith
Plant, Cell & Environment 35 (3), 601-610, 2012
An empirical assessment of tree branching networks and implications for plant allometric scaling models
LP Bentley, JC Stegen, VM Savage, DD Smith, EI von Allmen, JS Sperry, ...
Ecology letters 16 (8), 1069-1078, 2013
Stomatal kinetics and photosynthetic gas exchange along a continuum of isohydric to anisohydric regulation of plant water status
FC Meinzer, DD Smith, DR Woodruff, DE Marias, KA McCulloh, ...
Plant, cell & environment 40 (8), 1618-1628, 2017
A dynamic yet vulnerable pipeline: Integration and coordination of hydraulic traits across whole plants
KA McCulloh, JC Domec, DM Johnson, DD Smith, FC Meinzer
Plant, Cell & Environment 42 (10), 2789-2807, 2019
A synthesis of the effects of atmospheric carbon dioxide enrichment on plant hydraulics: implications for whole‐plant water use efficiency and resistance to drought
JC Domec, DD Smith, KA McCulloh
Plant, Cell & Environment 40 (6), 921-937, 2017
Leaf hydraulic parameters are more plastic in species that experience a wider range of leaf water potentials
DM Johnson, ZC Berry, KV Baker, DD Smith, KA McCulloh, JC Domec
Functional Ecology 32 (4), 894-903, 2018
Coordination and trade‐offs between leaf and stem hydraulic traits and stomatal regulation along a spectrum of isohydry to anisohydry
X Fu, FC Meinzer, DR Woodruff, YY Liu, DD Smith, KA McCulloh, ...
Plant, cell & environment 42 (7), 2245-2258, 2019
Deviation from symmetrically self‐similar branching in trees predicts altered hydraulics, mechanics, light interception and metabolic scaling
DD Smith, JS Sperry, BJ Enquist, VM Savage, KA McCulloh, LP Bentley
New Phytologist 201 (1), 217-229, 2014
A species‐level model for metabolic scaling in trees I. Exploring boundaries to scaling space within and across species
JS Sperry, DD Smith, VM Savage, BJ Enquist, KA McCulloh, PB Reich, ...
Functional Ecology 26 (5), 1054-1065, 2012
Convergence in leaf size versus twig leaf area scaling: do plants optimize leaf area partitioning?
DD Smith, JS Sperry, FR Adler
Annals of Botany 119 (3), 447-456, 2017
A species‐level model for metabolic scaling of trees II. Testing in a ring‐and diffuse‐porous species
EI Von Allmen, JS Sperry, DD Smith, VM Savage, BJ Enquist, PB Reich, ...
Functional Ecology 26 (5), 1066-1076, 2012
Coordination between water transport capacity, biomass growth, metabolic scaling and species stature in co‐occurring shrub and tree species
DD Smith, JS Sperry
Plant, Cell & Environment 37 (12), 2679-2690, 2014
At least it is a dry cold: the global distribution of freeze–thaw and drought stress and the traits that may impart poly-tolerance in conifers
KA McCulloh, SP Augustine, A Goke, R Jordan, CP Krieg, K O’Keefe, ...
Tree Physiology 43 (1), 1-15, 2023
Scaling the leaf length-times-width equation to predict total leaf area of shoots
K Koyama, DD Smith
Annals of Botany 130 (2), 215-230, 2022
Limited physiological acclimation to recurrent heatwaves in two boreal tree species
MA Gagne, DD Smith, KA McCulloh
Tree Physiology 40 (12), 1680-1696, 2020
‘Pressure fatigue’: the influence of sap pressure cycles on cavitation vulnerability in Acer negundo
T Umebayashi, JS Sperry, DD Smith, DM Love
Tree Physiology 39 (5), 740-746, 2019
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