Basem Zoheir
Basem Zoheir
Faculty of Science, Benha University
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe fsc.bu.edu.eg - Pagina de pornire
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Application of Landsat-8, Sentinel-2, ASTER and WorldView-3 spectral imagery for exploration of carbonate-hosted Pb-Zn deposits in the Central Iranian Terrane (CIT)
M Sekandari, I Masoumi, A Beiranvand Pour, A M Muslim, O Rahmani, ...
Remote Sensing 12 (8), 1239, 2020
Identifying high potential zones of gold mineralization in a sub-tropical region using Landsat-8 and ASTER remote sensing data: a case study of the Ngoura-Colomines goldfield …
JDT Wambo, AB Pour, S Ganno, PD Asimow, B Zoheir, R dos Reis Salles, ...
Ore Geology Reviews 122, 103530, 2020
Listvenite–lode association at the Barramiya gold mine, Eastern Desert, Egypt
B Zoheir, B Lehmann
Ore Geology Reviews 39 (1-2), 101-115, 2011
Mapping hydrothermal alteration zones and lineaments associated with orogenic gold mineralization using ASTER data: A case study from the Sanandaj-Sirjan Zone, Iran
A Sheikhrahimi, AB Pour, B Pradhan, B Zoheir
Advances in Space Research 63 (10), 3315-3332, 2019
Application of multi-sensor satellite data for exploration of Zn–Pb sulfide mineralization in the Franklinian Basin, North Greenland
A Beiranvand Pour, TYS Park, Y Park, JK Hong, B Zoheir, B Pradhan, ...
Remote Sensing 10 (8), 1186, 2018
Integrating geologic and satellite imagery data for high-resolution mapping and gold exploration targets in the South Eastern Desert, Egypt
B Zoheir, A Emam
Journal of African Earth Sciences 66, 22-34, 2012
Orogenic gold in transpression and transtension zones: Field and remote sensing studies of the barramiya–mueilha sector, Egypt
B Zoheir, MA El-Wahed, AB Pour, A Abdelnasser
Remote Sensing 11 (18), 2122, 2019
Landsat-8, advanced spaceborne thermal emission and reflection radiometer, and WorldView-3 multispectral satellite imagery for prospecting copper-gold mineralization in the …
A Beiranvand Pour, TY S. Park, Y Park, JK Hong, A M Muslim, A Läufer, ...
Remote Sensing 11 (20), 2430, 2019
Gold-bearing volcanogenic massive sulfides and orogenic-gold deposits in the Nubian Shield
PR Johnson, BA Zoheir, W Ghebreab, RJ Stern, CT Barrie, RD Hamer
South African Journal of Geology 2017 120 (1), 63-76, 2017
Orogenic gold in the Egyptian Eastern Desert: Widespread gold mineralization in the late stages of Neoproterozoic orogeny
BA Zoheir, PR Johnson, RJ Goldfarb, DD Klemm
Gondwana Research 75, 184-217, 2019
Mapping listvenite occurrences in the damage zones of Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica using ASTER satellite remote sensing data
A Beiranvand Pour, Y Park, L Crispini, A Läufer, J Kuk Hong, TYS Park, ...
Remote Sensing 11 (12), 1408, 2019
Multispectral and radar data for the setting of gold mineralization in the South Eastern Desert, Egypt
B Zoheir, A Emam, M Abdel-Wahed, N Soliman
Remote Sensing 11 (12), 1450, 2019
Editorial for the special issue: Multispectral and hyperspectral remote sensing data for mineral exploration and environmental monitoring of mined areas
AB Pour, B Zoheir, B Pradhan, M Hashim
Remote Sensing 13 (3), 519, 2021
Geochemistry and geochronology of the~ 620 Ma gold-associated Batouri granitoids, Cameroon
AV Asaah, B Zoheir, B Lehmann, D Frei, R Burgess, CE Suh
International Geology Review 57 (11-12), 1485-1509, 2015
Lu–Hf and O isotopic compositions on single zircons from the North Eastern Desert of Egypt, Arabian–Nubian Shield: Implications for crustal evolution
KA Ali, BA Zoheir, RJ Stern, A Andresen, MJ Whitehouse, WW Bishara
Gondwana Research 32, 181-192, 2016
Shear-related gold ores in the Wadi Hodein Shear Belt, South Eastern Desert of Egypt: analysis of remote sensing, field and structural data
M Abd El-Wahed, B Zoheir, AB Pour, S Kamh
Minerals 11 (5), 474, 2021
Field and ASTER imagery data for the setting of gold mineralization in Western Allaqi–Heiani belt, Egypt: A case study from the Haimur deposit
B Zoheir, A Emam
Journal of African Earth Sciences 99 (1), 150–164, 2014
Characteristics and genesis of shear zone-related gold mineralization in Egypt: a case study from the Um El Tuyor mine, south Eastern Desert
BA Zoheir
Ore Geology Reviews 34 (3), 445-470, 2008
Transpressional zones in ophiolitic mélange terranes: potential exploration targets for gold in the South Eastern Desert, Egypt
B Zoheir
Journal of Geochemical Exploration 111 (1-2), 23-38, 2011
Origin and evolution of the Um Egat and Dungash orogenic gold deposits, Egyptian Eastern Desert: evidence from fluid inclusions in quartz
BA Zoheir, AK El-Shazly, H Helba, KI Khalil, RJ Bodnar
Economic Geology 103 (2), 405-424, 2008
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