Human resource management and performance: a review and research agenda DE Guest International journal of human resource management 8 (3), 263-276, 1997 | 3809 | 1997 |
HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AND INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS[1] DE Guest Journal of management Studies 24 (5), 503-521, 1987 | 3209 | 1987 |
Perspectives on the study of work-life balance DE Guest Social Science Information 41 (2), 255-279, 2002 | 1870 | 2002 |
Human resource management and performance: still searching for some answers DE Guest Human resource management journal 21 (1), 3-13, 2011 | 1842 | 2011 |
Human resource management and employee well‐being: Towards a new analytic framework DE Guest Human resource management journal 27 (1), 22-38, 2017 | 1727 | 2017 |
Human resource management and corporate performance in the UK DE Guest, J Michie, N Conway, M Sheehan British journal of industrial relations 41 (2), 291-314, 2003 | 1558 | 2003 |
Is the psychological contract worth taking seriously? DE Guest Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial …, 1998 | 1519 | 1998 |
Human resource management, corporate performance and employee wellbeing: Building the worker into HRM D Guest The journal of industrial relations 44 (3), 335-358, 2002 | 1283 | 2002 |
Communicating the psychological contract: an employer perspective DE Guest, N Conway Human resource management journal 12 (2), 22-38, 2002 | 1178 | 2002 |
Human resource management--the workers' verdict DE Guest Human resource management journal 9 (3), 5, 1999 | 1093 | 1999 |
The psychology of the employment relationship: An analysis based on the psychological contract DE Guest Applied psychology 53 (4), 541-555, 2004 | 1004 | 2004 |
Managing the career deal: The psychological contract as a framework for understanding career management, organizational commitment and work behavior J Sturges, N Conway, D Guest, A Liefooghe Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial …, 2005 | 874 | 2005 |
A longitudinal study of the relationship between career management and organizational commitment among graduates in the first ten years at work J Sturges, D Guest, N Conway, KM Davey Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial …, 2002 | 815 | 2002 |
Human resource management and the American dream. DE Guest Journal of Management Studies (Wiley-Blackwell) 27 (4), 1990 | 779 | 1990 |
Flexible employment contracts, the psychological contract and employee outcomes: an analysis and review of the evidence D Guest International journal of management reviews 5 (1), 1-19, 2004 | 716 | 2004 |
Human resource management: when research confronts theory DE Guest International Journal of Human Resource Management 12 (7), 1092-1106, 2001 | 680 | 2001 |
Working to live or living to work? Work/life balance early in the career J Sturges, D Guest Human Resource Management Journal 14 (4), 5-20, 2004 | 674 | 2004 |
Partnership at work: mutuality and the balance of advantage DE Guest, R Peccei British Journal of Industrial Relations 39 (2), 207-236, 2001 | 517 | 2001 |
Personnel and HRM: Can you tell the difference D Guest Personnel management 21 (1), 48-51, 1989 | 513 | 1989 |
How the impact of HR practices on employee well‐being and performance changes with age DTAM Kooij, DE Guest, M Clinton, T Knight, PGW Jansen, JSE Dikkers Human Resource Management Journal 23 (1), 18-35, 2013 | 485 | 2013 |