Mark Cave
Mark Cave
Honorary Research Associate at the the British Geological Survey
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe bgs.ac.uk
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Citat de
An inter-laboratory trial of the unified BARGE bioaccessibility method for arsenic, cadmium and lead in soil
J Wragg, M Cave, N Basta, E Brandon, S Casteel, S Denys, C Gron, ...
Science of the Total Environment 409 (19), 4016-4030, 2011
In vivo validation of the unified BARGE method to assess the bioaccessibility of arsenic, antimony, cadmium, and lead in soils
S Denys, J Caboche, K Tack, G Rychen, J Wragg, M Cave, C Jondreville, ...
Environmental science & technology 46 (11), 6252-6260, 2012
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) in urban soils of Greater London, UK
CH Vane, AW Kim, DJ Beriro, MR Cave, K Knights, V Moss-Hayes, ...
Applied Geochemistry 51, 303-314, 2014
Comparison of five in vitro digestion models to in vivo experimental results: lead bioaccessibility in the human gastrointestinal tract
TR Van de Wiele, AG Oomen, J Wragg, M Cave, M Minekus, A Hack, ...
Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part A 42 (9), 1203-1211, 2007
Methodology for the determination of normal background concentrations of contaminants in English soil
EL Ander, CC Johnson, MR Cave, B Palumbo-Roe, CP Nathanail, ...
Science of the Total Environment 454, 604-618, 2013
In-vitro methods for the measurement of the oral bioaccessibility of selected metals and metalloids in soils: a critical review
J Wragg, MR Cave
Environment Agency, 2003
Determination of the bioaccessibility of chromium in Glasgow soil and the implications for human health risk assessment
A Broadway, MR Cave, J Wragg, FM Fordyce, RJF Bewley, MC Graham, ...
Science of the Total Environment 409 (2), 267-277, 2010
Determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in urban street dust: implications for human health
D Lorenzi, JA Entwistle, M Cave, JR Dean
Chemosphere 83 (7), 970-977, 2011
The advanced soil geochemical atlas of England and Wales
BG Rawlins, SP McGrath, AJ Scheib, N Breward, M Cave, TR Lister, ...
British Geological Survey, 2012
In vitro investigations of human bioaccessibility from reference materials using simulated lung fluids
A Pelfrêne, MR Cave, J Wragg, F Douay
International journal of environmental research and public health 14 (2), 112, 2017
Lead bioaccessibility in 12 contaminated soils from China: Correlation to lead relative bioavailability and lead in different fractions
J Li, K Li, M Cave, HB Li, LQ Ma
Journal of hazardous materials 295, 55-62, 2015
A machine learning approach to geochemical mapping
AF Charlie Kirkwood ,· Mark Cave ,· David Beamish ,· Stephen Grebby
Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 2016
Using Local Moran's I to identify contamination hotspots of rare earth elements in urban soils of London
Y Yuan, M Cave, C Zhang
Applied geochemistry 88, 167-178, 2018
A lead isotopic study of the human bioaccessibility of lead in urban soils from Glasgow, Scotland
JG Farmer, A Broadway, MR Cave, J Wragg, FM Fordyce, MC Graham, ...
Science of the total environment 409 (23), 4958-4965, 2011
A study of pneumatic nebulisation systems for inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometry
L Ebdon, MR Cave
Analyst 107 (1271), 172-178, 1982
Microprobe techniques in the earth sciences
PJ Potts, JF Bowles, SJ Reed, R Cave
Springer Science & Business Media, 1995
Bedrock detection beneath river terrace deposits using three-dimensional electrical resistivity tomography
JE Chambers, PB Wilkinson, D Wardrop, A Hameed, I Hill, C Jeffrey, ...
Geomorphology 177, 17-25, 2012
A natural analogue of high pH cement pore waters from the Maqarin area of northern Jordan. I: introduction to the site
HN Khoury, E Salameh, ID Clark, P Fritz, W Bajjali, AE Milodowski, ...
Journal of Geochemical Exploration 46 (1), 117-132, 1992
Bioaccessibility of trace elements in soils in Northern Ireland
A Barsby, JM McKinley, U Ofterdinger, M Young, MR Cave, J Wragg
Science of the Total Environment 433, 398-417, 2012
Measurement of the bioaccessibility of arsenic in UK soils
MR Cave, J Wragg, B Palumbo, BA Klinck
Environment Agency, 2003
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