Gaetano Falcone
Gaetano Falcone
Research fellow
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International benchmark on numerical simulations for 1D, nonlinear site response (PRENOLIN): Verification phase based on canonical cases
J Régnier, LF Bonilla, PY Bard, E Bertrand, F Hollender, H Kawase, ...
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 106 (5), 2112-2135, 2016
PRENOLIN: International benchmark on 1D nonlinear site‐response analysis—Validation phase exercise
J Régnier, L Bonilla, PY Bard, E Bertrand, F Hollender, H Kawase, ...
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 108 (2), 876-900, 2018
Numerical prediction of tunnel performance during centrifuge dynamic tests
A Amorosi, D Boldini, G Falcone
Acta Geotechnica 9, 581-596, 2014
Seismic amplification maps of Italy based on site-specific microzonation dataset and one-dimensional numerical approach
G Falcone, G Acunzo, A Mendicelli, F Mori, G Naso, E Peronace, ...
Engineering Geology 289, 106170, 2021
Site response analysis of an urban area: A multi-dimensional and non-linear approach
G Falcone, D Boldini, A Amorosi
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 109, 33-45, 2018
A simplified analysis of the total seismic hazard in Italy
G Falcone, A Mendicelli, F Mori, S Fabozzi, M Moscatelli, G Occhipinti, ...
Engineering Geology 267, 105511, 2020
Effect of bedrock stiffness and thickness on numerical simulation of seismic site response. Italian case studies
G Falcone, G Romagnoli, G Naso, F Mori, E Peronace, M Moscatelli
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 139, 106361, 2020
Stochastic approach to study the site response in presence of shear wave velocity inversion: Application to seismic microzonation studies in Italy
S Fabozzi, S Catalano, G Falcone, G Naso, A Pagliaroli, E Peronace, ...
Engineering Geology 280, 105914, 2021
Quantifying local seismic amplification from regional charts and site specific numerical analyses: a case study
G Falcone, D Boldini, L Martelli, A Amorosi
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 18, 77-107, 2020
Seismically induced rockfall hazard from a physically based model and ground motion scenarios in Italy
M Alvioli, G Falcone, A Mendicelli, F Mori, F Fiorucci, F Ardizzone, ...
Geomorphology 429, 108652, 2023
Ground motion prediction maps using seismic-microzonation data and machine learning
F Mori, A Mendicelli, G Falcone, G Acunzo, RL Spacagna, G Naso, ...
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 22 (3), 947-966, 2022
Italian seismic amplification factors for peak ground acceleration and peak ground velocity
A Mendicelli, G Falcone, G Acunzo, F Mori, G Naso, E Peronace, ...
Journal of Maps 18 (2), 497-507, 2022
Analysis of the effects of seasonal pore pressure variations on the slope stability through advanced numerical modelling
G Elia, G Falcone, F Cotecchia, M Rouainia
Geotechnical Research for Land Protection and Development: Proceedings of …, 2020
Influence of local site effects on seismic risk maps and ranking of Italian municipalities
F Sabetta, G Fiorentino, F Bocchi, M Sinibaldi, G Falcone, A Mendicelli
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 21 (5), 2441-2468, 2023
Evaluation of building seismic retrofitting costs founded on experimental data. The case study of “San Benedetto” School (Norcia, Italy)
G Falcone, V Vacca, F Mori, G Naso, D Spina
Italian Journal of Geosciences 140 (3), 365-381, 2021
Seismically induced rockfall hazard from ground motion scenarios in Italy
M Alvioli, G Falcone, A Mendicelli, F Mori, F Fiorucci, F Ardizzone, ...
Methods 6, 36, 2022
Effect of base conditions in one-dimensional numerical simulation of seismic site response: a technical note for best practice
G Falcone, G Naso, F Mori, A Mendicelli, G Acunzo, E Peronace, ...
GeoHazards 2 (4), 430-441, 2021
NC92Soil: a computer code for deterministic and stochastic 1D equivalent linear seismic site response analyses
G Acunzo, G Falcone, A di Lernia, F Mori, A Mendicelli, G Naso, ...
Computers and Geotechnics 165, 105857, 2024
The Influence of Input Motion Scaling Strategies on Nonlinear Ground Response Analyses of Soft Soil Deposits
Y Guzel, G Elia, M Rouainia, G Falcone
Geosciences 13 (1), 17, 2023
Investigating the influence of a pre-existing shear band on the seismic response of ideal step-like slopes subjected to weak motions: preliminary results
G Falcone, G Elia, A di Lernia
Geosciences 13 (5), 148, 2023
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