Felipe Siqueira Pacheco
Felipe Siqueira Pacheco
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe cornell.edu
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Eutrophication reverses whole-lake carbon budgets
FS Pacheco, F Roland, JA Downing
Inland waters 4 (1), 41-48, 2014
Variability of carbon dioxide flux from tropical (Cerrado) hydroelectric reservoirs
F Roland, LO Vidal, FS Pacheco, NO Barros, A Assireu, JPHB Ometto, ...
Aquatic Sciences 72, 283-293, 2010
Tropical peatlands and their contribution to the global carbon cycle and climate change
K Ribeiro, FS Pacheco, JW Ferreira, ER de Sousa‐Neto, A Hastie, ...
Global change biology 27 (3), 489-505, 2021
Distance decay 2.0–a global synthesis of taxonomic and functional turnover in ecological communities
C Graco‐Roza, S Aarnio, N Abrego, ATR Acosta, J Alahuhta, J Altman, ...
Global Ecology and Biogeography 31 (7), 1399-1421, 2022
The effects of river inflow and retention time on the spatial heterogeneity of chlorophyll and water–air CO2 fluxes in a tropical hydropower reservoir
FS Pacheco, MCS Soares, AT Assireu, MP Curtarelli, F Roland, G Abril, ...
Biogeosciences 12 (1), 147-162, 2015
Establishing long-term nitrogen response of global cereals to assess sustainable fertilizer rates
HJM van Grinsven, P Ebanyat, M Glendining, B Gu, R Hijbeek, SK Lam, ...
Nature Food 3 (2), 122-132, 2022
Limnological effects of a large Amazonian run-of-river dam on the main river and drowned tributary valleys
RM Almeida, SK Hamilton, EJ Rosi, JD Arantes Jr, N Barros, G Boemer, ...
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 16846, 2019
Extreme floods increase CO2 outgassing from a large Amazonian river
RM Almeida, FS Pacheco, N Barros, E Rosi, F Roland
Limnology and Oceanography 62 (3), 989-999, 2017
The efficiency of combined coagulant and ballast to remove harmful cyanobacterial blooms in a tropical shallow system
M Miranda, N Noyma, FS Pacheco, L de Magalhães, E Pinto, S Santos, ...
Harmful Algae 65, 27-39, 2017
Greenhouse gas emissions from hydroelectric reservoirs: what knowledge do we have and what is lacking
R Mendonça, N Barros, LO Vidal, F Pacheco, S Kosten, F Roland
Greenhouse Gases–Emission, Measurement and Management, 55-78, 2012
Cross-chapter paper 7: Tropical forests
JP Ometto, K Kalaba, GZ Anshari, N Chacón, A Farrell, SA Halim, ...
Climate change, 2369-2410, 2022
Functional rather than taxonomic diversity reveals changes in the phytoplankton community of a large dammed river
C Graco-Roza, J Soininen, G Correa, FS Pacheco, M Miranda, ...
Ecological Indicators 121, 107048, 2021
Carbon dynamic and emissions in Brazilian hydropower reservoirs
JP Ometto, FS Pacheco, ACP Cimbleris, JL Stech, JA Lorenzzetti, ...
Energy Resources: Development, Distribution and Exploitation, edited by …, 2011
Nitrogen management challenges in major watersheds of South America
MMC Bustamante, LA Martinelli, T Pérez, R Rasse, JPHB Ometto, ...
Environmental Research Letters 10 (6), 065007, 2015
Land use and land cover transition in Brazil and their effects on greenhouse gas emissions
ER de Sousa-Neto, L Gomes, N Nascimento, F Pacheco, JP Ometto
Soil management and climate change, 309-321, 2018
Water quality longitudinal profile of the Paraíba do Sul River, Brazil during an extreme drought event
FS Pacheco, M Miranda, LP Pezzi, A Assireu, MM Marinho, M Malafaia, ...
Limnology and Oceanography 62 (S1), S131-S146, 2017
Biological nitrogen fixation across major biomes in Latin America: Patterns and global change effects
CRG Reis, FS Pacheco, SC Reed, G Tejada, GB Nardoto, MC Forti, ...
Science of The Total Environment 746, 140998, 2020
First measurements of the ocean-atmosphere CO2 fluxes at the Cabo Frio upwelling system region, Southwestern Atlantic Ocean
RR Oliveira, LP Pezzi, RB Souza, MF Santini, LC Cunha, FS Pacheco
Continental Shelf Research 181, 135-142, 2019
Eutrophication reverses whole-lake carbon budgets, Inland Waters, 4, 41–48
FS Pacheco, F Roland, JA Downing
Hydro-physical processes at the plunge point: an analysis using satellite and in situ data
AT Assireu, E Alcântara, E Novo, F Roland, FS Pacheco, JL Stech, ...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 15 (12), 3689-3700, 2011
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