Shuiqing yang
Shuiqing yang
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe zufe.edu.cn - Pagina de pornire
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Dynamics between the trust transfer process and intention to use mobile payment services: A cross-environment perspective
Y Lu, S Yang, PYK Chau, Y Cao
Information & management 48 (8), 393-403, 2011
Mobile payment services adoption across time: An empirical study of the effects of behavioral beliefs, social influences, and personal traits
S Yang, Y Lu, S Gupta, Y Cao, R Zhang
Computers in human behavior 28 (1), 129-142, 2012
A study on factors that affect users’ behavioral intention to transfer usage from the offline to the online channel
Y Lu, Y Cao, B Wang, S Yang
Computers in Human Behavior 27 (1), 355-364, 2011
Conventional to online education during COVID-19 pandemic: Do develop and underdeveloped nations cope alike
A Qazi, K Naseer, J Qazi, H AlSalman, U Naseem, S Yang, G Hardaker, ...
Children and youth services review 119, 105582, 2020
Consumer’s intention to use self-service parcel delivery service in online retailing: An empirical study
Y Chen, J Yu, S Yang, J Wei
Internet research 28 (2), 500-519, 2018
Why do consumers adopt online channel? An empirical investigation of two channel extension mechanisms
S Yang, Y Lu, PYK Chau
Decision Support Systems 54 (2), 858-869, 2013
Understanding undergraduate students' adoption of mobile learning model: A perspective of the extended UTAUT2
S Yang
Journal of convergence information technology 8 (10), 969, 2013
Social capital on mobile SNS addiction: A perspective from online and offline channel integrations
S Yang, Y Liu, J Wei
Internet Research 26 (4), 982-1000, 2016
Mobile social media use intention in emergencies among Gen Y in China: An integrative framework of gratifications, task-technology fit, and media dependency
Y Li, S Yang, S Zhang, W Zhang
Telematics and Informatics 42, 101244, 2019
Understanding consumers' web-mobile shopping extension behavior: A trust transfer perspective
S Yang, Y Chen, J Wei
Journal of computer information systems 55 (2), 78-87, 2015
How background visual complexity influences purchase intention in live streaming: The mediating role of emotion and the moderating role of gender
X Tong, Y Chen, S Zhou, S Yang
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 67, 103031, 2022
Does the review deserve more helpfulness when its title resembles the content? Locating helpful reviews by text mining
S Yang, J Yao, A Qazi
Information Processing & Management 57 (2), 102179, 2020
Role of transfer-based and performance-based cues on initial trust in mobile shopping services: a cross-environment perspective
S Yang
Information Systems and e-Business Management 14, 47-70, 2016
Exploring the dual outcomes of mobile social networking service enjoyment: The roles of social self-efficacy and habit
S Yang, B Wang, Y Lu
Computers in Human Behavior 64, 486-496, 2016
Socially responsible supplier selection and sustainable supply chain development: A combined approach of total interpretive structural modeling and fuzzy analytic network process
Y Chen, S Wang, J Yao, Y Li, S Yang
Business strategy and the environment 27 (8), 1708-1719, 2018
Adaption of distance learning to continue the academic year amid COVID-19 lockdown
A Qazi, J Qazi, K Naseer, M Zeeshan, S Qazi, O Abayomi-Alli, IS Ahmad, ...
Children and Youth Services Review 126, 106038, 2021
Empirical investigation of customers’ channel extension behavior: Perceptions shift toward the online channel
S Yang, Y Lu, L Zhao, S Gupta
Computers in Human Behavior 27 (5), 1688-1696, 2011
The effects of differences between e–commerce and m–commerce on the consumers' usage transfer from online to mobile channel
Y Cao, Y Lu, S Gupta, S Yang
International Journal of Mobile Communications 13 (1), 51-70, 2015
Perceived values on mobile GMS continuance: A perspective from perceived integration and interactivity
S Yang, H Jiang, J Yao, Y Chen, J Wei
Computers in Human Behavior 89, 16-26, 2018
What drives consumers’ purchase intention of online paid knowledge? A stimulus-organism-response perspective
S Zhou, T Li, S Yang, Y Chen
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 52, 101126, 2022
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