Alexander S. McKay
Alexander S. McKay
Army Research Institute
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe army.mil
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Measuring the muses: validating the Kaufman domains of creativity scale (K-DOCS).
AS McKay, M Karwowski, JC Kaufman
Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts 11 (2), 216, 2017
Emotional intelligence and creativity: The mediating role of generosity and vigor
A Carmeli, AS McKay, JC Kaufman
The Journal of Creative Behavior 48 (4), 290-309, 2014
Connected to create: A social network analysis of friendship ties and creativity.
AS McKay, P Grygiel, M Karwowski
Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts 11 (3), 284, 2017
The attentive and the careless: Examining the relationship between benevolent and malevolent personality traits with careless responding in online surveys
AS McKay, DM Garcia, JP Clapper, KS Shultz
Computers in Human Behavior 84, 295-303, 2018
Piecing together product dissection: how dissection conditions impact student conceptual understanding and cognitive load
EM Starkey, AS McKay, ST Hunter, SR Miller
Journal of Mechanical Design 140 (5), 052001, 2018
Dissecting creativity: how dissection virtuality, analogical distance, and product complexity impact creativity and self-efficacy
EM Starkey, AS McKay, ST Hunter, SR Miller
Design Computing and Cognition'16, 59-77, 2017
Literary Geniuses: Their Life, Work, and Death
AS McKay, JC Kaufman
The Wiley Handbook of Genius, 473, 2014
Predicting creativity based on the facets of the theoretical intellect framework
P Mussel, AS McKay, M Ziegler, J Hewig, JC Kaufman
European Journal of Personality 29 (4), 459-467, 2015
Alternative measures of employee commitment: Assessment of predictive validity for performance and turnover
RJ Vance, S Jaros, TE Becker, AS McKay
Human Performance 33 (2-3), 164-190, 2020
Temporal individual differences and creativity: An exploratory investigation.
AS McKay, MB Gutworth
Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts 15 (2), 295, 2021
The assessment of creative and innovative performance
AS McKay, JC Kaufman
Creativity and innovation in organizations, 17-40, 2019
Let’s get physical? The impact of dissection modality on engineering student design learning
EM Starkey, AS McKay, ST Hunter, SR Miller
International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and …, 2016
Another Day, Another Chance: Daily Workplace Experiences and Their Impact on Creativity
AS McKay, M Mohan, CS Reina
Journal of Product Innovation Management 39, 292-311, 2022
The heart of innovation: Antecedents and consequences of creative self-efficacy in organizations
AS McKay, JB Lovelace, MC Howard
Individual creativity in the workplace, 223-244, 2018
Creativity and Personality
CL Taylor, AS McKay, JC Kaufman
Handbook of creativity and personality research, 167-186, 2017
Types of union participators over time: Toward a person‐centered and dynamic model of participation
AS McKay, EM Grimaldi, GM Sayre, ME Hoffman, RD Reimer, ...
Personnel Psychology 73 (2), 271-304, 2020
Too anecdotal to be true? Mechanical Turk is not all bots and bad data: Response to Webb and Tangney (2022)
MG Keith, AS McKay
Perspectives on Psychological Science 19 (6), 900-907, 2024
Does one size fit all? The role of job characteristics in cultivating work passion across knowledge, blue‐collar, nonprofit, and managerial work
MN Astakhova, AS McKay, DH Doty, BR Wooldridge
Human Resource Management, 2024
Selection for team membership: Complexity, contingency, and dynamism across multiple levels
S Mohammed, AS McKay
Handbook of employee selection, 812-832, 2017
Passion Amid the Pandemic: Applying a Person‐Centered Approach to Examine Cross‐Domain Multi‐Passion Profiles during a Crisis
MN Astakhova, VT Ho, AS McKay
Journal of Management Studies 61 (4), 1457-1497, 2024
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