Pol Nadal Jimenez
Pol Nadal Jimenez
Postdoctoral research associate, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe lstmed.ac.uk
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The multiple signaling systems regulating virulence in Pseudomonas aeruginosa
P Nadal Jimenez, G Koch, JA Thompson, KB Xavier, RH Cool, WJ Quax
Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews 76 (1), 46-65, 2012
The quorum-quenching N-acyl homoserine lactone acylase PvdQ is an Ntn-hydrolase with an unusual substrate-binding pocket
M Bokhove, PN Jimenez, WJ Quax, BW Dijkstra
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (2), 686-691, 2010
Role of PvdQ in Pseudomonas aeruginosa virulence under iron-limiting conditions
PN Jimenez, G Koch, E Papaioannou, M Wahjudi, J Krzeslak, T Coenye, ...
Microbiology 156 (1), 49-59, 2010
Quorum-Quenching Acylase Reduces the Virulence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in a Caenorhabditis elegans Infection Model
E Papaioannou, M Wahjudi, P Nadal-Jimenez, G Koch, R Setroikromo, ...
Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy 53 (11), 4891-4897, 2009
Reducing virulence of the human pathogen Burkholderia by altering the substrate specificity of the quorum-quenching acylase PvdQ
G Koch, P Nadal-Jimenez, CR Reis, R Muntendam, M Bokhove, E Melillo, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (4), 1568-1573, 2014
In Vitro Inhibition of Streptococcus mutans Biofilm Formation on Hydroxyapatite by Subinhibitory Concentrations of Anthraquinones
T Coenye, K Honraet, P Rigole, PN Jimenez, HJ Nelis
Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy 51 (4), 1541-1544, 2007
PvdP is a tyrosinase that drives maturation of the pyoverdine chromophore in Pseudomonas aeruginosa
P Nadal-Jimenez, G Koch, CR Reis, R Muntendam, H Raj, ...
Journal of bacteriology 196 (14), 2681-2690, 2014
Assessing Pseudomonas Virulence with Nonmammalian Host: Galleria mellonella
G Koch, P Nadal-Jimenez, RH Cool, WJ Quax
Pseudomonas Methods and Protocols, 681-688, 2014
Degradation of N-Acyl-l-Homoserine Lactones by Bacillus cereus in Culture Media and Pork Extract
MS Medina-Martínez, M Uyttendaele, A Rajkovic, P Nadal, J Debevere
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 73 (7), 2329-2332, 2007
Genetic manipulation allows in vivo tracking of the life cycle of the son‐killer symbiont, Arsenophonus nasoniae, and reveals patterns of host invasion, tropism and …
P Nadal‐Jimenez, JS Griffin, L Davies, CL Frost, M Marcello, GDD Hurst
Environmental microbiology 21 (8), 3172-3182, 2019
Signal Integration in Quorum Sensing Enables Cross-Species Induction of Virulence in Pectobacterium wasabiae
RS Valente, P Nadal-Jimenez, AFP Carvalho, FJD Vieira, KB Xavier
MBio 8 (3), 10.1128/mbio. 00398-17, 2017
Deinococcus radiodurans can interfere with quorum sensing by producing an AHL-acylase and an AHL-lactonase
G Koch, P Nadal-Jimenez, RH Cool, WJ Quax
FEMS Microbiology Letters 356 (1), 62-70, 2014
Single cell variability of L. monocytogenes grown on liver pâté and cooked ham at 7°C: comparing challenge test data to predictive simulations
K Francois, F Devlieghere, M Uyttendaele, AR Standaert, AH Geeraerd, ...
Journal of Applied Microbiology 100 (4), 800-812, 2006
Evaluation of different glutaryl acylase mutants to improve the hydolysis of cephalosporin C in the absence of hydrogen peroxide
F López‐Gallego, L Betancor, CF Sio, CR Reis, PN Jimenez, JM Guisan, ...
Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis 350 (2), 343-348, 2008
The acylase PvdQ has a conserved function among fluorescent Pseudomonas spp.
G Koch, PN Jimenez, R Muntendam, Y Chen, E Papaioannou, S Heeb, ...
Environmental microbiology reports 2 (3), 433-439, 2010
Arsenophonus apicola sp. nov., isolated from the honeybee Apis mellifera
P Nadal-Jimenez, S Siozios, CL Frost, R Court, E Chrostek, GC Drew, ...
International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 72 (8), 005469, 2022
Symbiopectobacterium purcellii, gen. nov., sp. nov., isolated from the leafhopper Empoasca decipiens
P Nadal-Jimenez, S Siozios, N Halliday, M Cámara, GDD Hurst
International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 72 (6), 005440, 2022
The hypercomplex genome of an insect reproductive parasite highlights the importance of lateral gene transfer in symbiont biology
CL Frost, S Siozios, P Nadal-Jimenez, MA Brockhurst, KC King, AC Darby, ...
Mbio 11 (2), 10.1128/mbio. 02590-19, 2020
Erwinia carotovora quorum sensing system regulates host-specific virulence factors and development delay in Drosophila melanogaster
FJD Vieira, P Nadal-Jimenez, L Teixeira, KB Xavier
MBio 11 (3), 10.1128/mbio. 01292-20, 2020
Genome dynamics across the evolutionary transition to endosymbiosis
S Siozios, P Nadal-Jimenez, T Azagi, H Sprong, CL Frost, SR Parratt, ...
Current Biology 34 (24), 5659-5670. e7, 2024
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