Load peak shaving and power smoothing of a distribution grid with high renewable energy penetration E Reihani, M Motalleb, R Ghorbani, L Saad Saoud
Renewable energy 86, 1372-1379, 2016
202 2016 Cognitive quaternion valued neural network and some applications L Saad Saoud, R Ghorbani, F Rahmoune
Neurocomputing 221, 85-93, 2017
51 2017 Household energy consumption prediction using the stationary wavelet transform and transformers LS Saoud, H Al-Marzouqi, R Hussein
IEEE Access 10, 5171-5183, 2022
49 2022 Metacognitive Octonion-Valued Neural Networks as They Relate to Time Series Analysis L Saad Saoud, R Ghorbani
IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems, 2020
37 * 2020 Progress in Clean Energy, Volume 1: Analysis and Modeling I Dincer, CO Colpan, O Kizilkan, MA Ezan
Springer, 2015
33 * 2015 A neural network based on an inexpensive eight-bit microcontroller L Saad Saoud
Neural Computing and Applications 20 (3), 329-334, 2011
27 2011 Wind speed forecasting using the stationary wavelet transform and quaternion adaptive-gradient methods LS Saoud, H Al-Marzouqi, M Deriche
IEEE Access 9, 127356-127367, 2021
26 2021 Fully complex valued wavelet network for forecasting the global solar irradiation L Saad Saoud, F Rahmoune, V Tourtchine, K Baddari
Neural Processing Letters 45 (2), 475-505, 2017
24 2017 Metacognitive sedenion-valued neural network and its learning algorithm LS Saoud, H Al-Marzouqi
IEEE access 8, 144823-144838, 2020
21 2020 Semantic labeling of high-resolution images using EfficientUNets and transformers H Almarzouqi, LS Saoud
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 61, 1-13, 2023
18 2023 Rainfall–runoff modelling using octonion-valued neural networks S Shishegar, R Ghorbani, L Saad Saoud, S Duchesne, G Pelletier
Hydrological Sciences Journal 66 (13), 1857-1865, 2021
17 2021 A novel method to forecast 24 h of global solar irradiation L Saad Saoud, F Rahmoune, V Tourtchine, K Baddari
Energy Systems 9 (1), 171-193, 2018
17 2018 Mula-gan: Multi-level attention gan for enhanced underwater visibility AB Bakht, Z Jia, MU Din, W Akram, LS Saoud, L Seneviratne, D Lin, S He, ...
Ecological Informatics 81, 102631, 2024
15 2024 An inexpensive embedded electronic continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) based on neural networks L Saad Saoud, F Rahmoune, V Tourtchine, K Baddari
2011 International Conference on Multimedia Technology, 6233-6237, 2011
15 2011 Complex-valued forecasting of the global solar irradiation L Saad Saoud, F Rahmoune, V Tourtchine, K Baddari
Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 5 (4), 043124, 2013
12 2013 Modeling pH neutralization process using fuzzy dynamic neural units approaches L Saad Saoud, F Rahmoune, V Tourtchine, K Baddari
12 * 2011 Marine : Design and Implementation of Unmanned Surface Vessel for Vision Guided Navigation MU Din, A Humais, W Akram, M Alblooshi, LS Saoud, A Alblooshi, ...
2023 21st International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR), 226-231, 2023
8 2023 Short-term solar irradiance forecasting and photovoltaic system management using octonion neural networks K Aimeur, LS Saoud, R Ghorbani
Applied Solar Energy 56, 219-226, 2020
8 2020 Forecasting solar irradiance using hybrid stationary wavelet transform-quaternion valued neural network with a softplus AMSGrad learning algorithm LS Saoud, H AlMarzouqi
2022 IEEE International Conference on Power Systems Technology (POWERCON), 1-6, 2022
7 2022 Complex-valued wavelet neural network prediction of the daily global solar ir-radiation of the Great Maghreb Region L Saad Saoud, F Rahmoune, V Tourtchine, K Baddari
Progress in Clean Energy Analysis and Modeling, I. Dincer et al. Ed. 1, 321-339, 2015
7 2015