Veber Costa
Veber Costa
Professor de hidrologia e hidrologia estatística na Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe ehr.ufmg.br - Pagina de pornire
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A review of recent developments on drought characterization, propagation, and influential factors
VMB Raposo, VAF Costa, AF Rodrigues
Science of The Total Environment, 165550, 2023
A hierarchical Bayesian model for decomposing the impacts of human activities and climate change on water resources in China
X Zhang, Q Dong, V Costa, X Wang
Science of The Total Environment 665, 836-847, 2019
Bayesian estimation of extreme flood quantiles using a rainfall-runoff model and a stochastic daily rainfall generator
V Costa, W Fernandes
Journal of Hydrology 554, 137-154, 2017
Correlation and Regression
V Costa
Fundamentals of Statistical Hydrology, 391-440, 2017
Time-space characterization of droughts in the São Francisco river catchment using the Standard Precipitation Index and continuous wavelet transform
MS Santos, VAF Costa, WS Fernandes, RP Paes
RBRH 24, 2019
A Bayesian model for stochastic generation of daily precipitation using an upper-bounded distribution function
V Costa, W Fernandes, M Naghettini
Stochastic environmental research and risk assessment 29, 563-576, 2015
Regional models of flow-duration curves of perennial and intermittent streams and their use for calibrating the parameters of a rainfall–runoff model
V Costa, W Fernandes, M Naghettini
Hydrological Sciences Journal 59 (2), 262-277, 2014
Bayesian regional flood frequency analysis with GEV hierarchical models under spatial dependency structures
J Sampaio, V Costa
Hydrological Sciences Journal 66 (3), 422-433, 2021
Identifying Regional Models for Flow Duration Curves with Evolutionary Polynomial Regression: Application for Intermittent Streams
V Costa, W Fernandes, Â Starick
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 25 (1), 04019059, 2020
Effects of small hydropower plants in cascade arrangement on the discharge cyclic patterns
RP Paes, VAF Costa, WS Fernandes
RBRH 24, 2019
Effects of small hydropower plants in cascade arrangement on the discharge cyclic patterns
RP Paes, VAF Costa, WS Fernandes
RBRH 24, 2019
Bayesian Rating Curve Modeling: Alternative Error Model to Improve Low-Flow Uncertainty Estimation
R Garcia, V Costa, F Silva
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 25 (5), 04020012, 2020
Comparison of Methods for Filling Daily and Monthly Rainfall Missing Data: Statistical Models or Imputation of Satellite Retrievals?
LV Duarte, KTM Formiga, VAF Costa
Water 14 (19), 3144, 2022
Analysis of the IMERG-GPM Precipitation Product Analysis in Brazilian Midwestern Basins Considering Different Time and Spatial Scales
LV Duarte, KTM Formiga, VAF Costa
Water 14 (16), 2472, 2022
Modelos regionais para Curvas de Permanência de vazões de rios Perenes, intermitentes e efêmeros, com emprego da distribuição Burr XII Estendida
VAF Costa, W Fernandes, M Naghettini
Revista Brasileira de Recursos Hídricos 17 (2), 171-180, 2012
Assessing the Anthropogenic and Climatic Components in Runoff Changes of the São Francisco River Catchment
LS Melo, VAF Costa, WS Fernandes
Water Resources Management, 1-15, 2023
Regional Modeling of Long-Term and Annual Flow Duration Curves: Reliability for Information Transfer with Evolutionary Polynomial Regression
V Costa, W Fernandes
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 26 (2), 04020067, 2021
Avaliação de indicadores aplicados a sistemas de abastecimento de água de pequeno porte
OHC Hamdan, M Libânio, VAF Costa
Engenharia Sanitaria e Ambiental 24, 1183-1194, 2019
Assessing the effects of rating curve uncertainty in flood frequency analysis
LMS Vieira, JCL Sampaio, VAF Costa, JC Eleutério
RBRH 27, e11, 2022
Bayesian Approach for Estimating the Distribution of Annual Maximum Floods with a Mixture Model
V Costa, J Sampaio
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 26 (6), 04021017, 2021
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