Benjamin Fuller
Benjamin Fuller
Alte numeBenjamin W Fuller, Ben Fuller
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe uconn.edu - Pagina de pornire
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Citat de
Reusable Fuzzy Extractors for Low-Entropy Distributions
R Canetti, B Fuller, O Paneth, L Reyzin, A Smith
Journal of Cryptology 34 (1), 1-33, 2020
SoK: Cryptographically Protected Database Search
B Fuller, M Varia, A Yerukhimovich, E Shen, A Hamlin, V Gadepally, ...
Proceedings of the 38th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 1, 172-191, 2017
Computational fuzzy extractors
B Fuller, X Meng, L Reyzin
Information and Computation, 104602, 2020
A unified approach to deterministic encryption: New constructions and a connection to computational entropy
B Fuller, A O’Neill, L Reyzin
Journal of Cryptology 28 (3), 671-717, 2015
When are fuzzy extractors possible?
B Fuller, L Reyzin, A Smith
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2020
Cryptographic Authentication from the Iris
S Simhadri, J Steel, B Fuller
International Conference on Information Security, 465-485, 2019
Catching MPC cheaters: Identification and openability
R Cunningham, B Fuller, S Yakoubov
International Conference on Information Theoretic Security, 110-134, 2017
FPGA Implementation of a Cryptographically-Secure PUF Based on Learning Parity with Noise
C Jin, C Herder, L Ren, PH Nguyen, B Fuller, S Devadas, M van Dijk
Cryptography 1 (3), 23, 2017
Unconstrained iris segmentation using convolutional neural networks
S Ahmad, B Fuller
Computer Vision–ACCV 2018 Workshops: 14th Asian Conference on Computer …, 2019
Pseudoentropic isometries: A new framework for fuzzy extractor reusability
Q Alamélou, PE Berthier, C Cachet, S Cauchie, B Fuller, P Gaborit, ...
AsiaCCS, 2018
Computational entropy and information leakage (MA Thesis)
B Fuller, L Reyzin
Computer Science Department, Boston University, 2011
Thirdeye: Triplet based iris recognition without normalization
S Ahmad, B Fuller
2019 IEEE 10th International Conference on Biometrics Theory, Applications …, 2019
Iris Biometric Security Challenges and Possible Solutions: For your eyes only? Using the iris as a key
G Itkis, V Chandar, BW Fuller, JP Campbell, RK Cunningham
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine 32 (5), 42-53, 2015
Robust keys from physical unclonable functions
M Spain, B Fuller, K Ingols, R Cunningham
2014 IEEE International Symposium on Hardware-Oriented Security and Trust …, 2014
Resist: Reconstruction of irises from templates
S Ahmad, B Fuller
2020 IEEE International Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB), 1-10, 2020
Unifying leakage classes: Simulatable leakage and pseudoentropy
B Fuller, A Hamlin
Information Theoretic Security: 8th International Conference, ICITS 2015 …, 2015
Continuous-Source Fuzzy Extractors: Source uncertainty and security
B Fuller, L Peng
IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, 2019
Proximity Searchable Encryption for the Iris Biometric
C Cachet, S Ahmad, L Demarest, A Hamlin, B Fuller
Proceedings of the 2022 ACM on Asia Conference on Computer and …, 2022
Public Key Cryptosystems with Noisy Secret Keys
C Herder, B Fuller, M van Dijk, S Devadas
GROK: A practical system for securing group communications
JA Cooley, RI Khazan, BW Fuller, GE Pickard
2010 Ninth IEEE International Symposium on Network Computing and …, 2010
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