Darja Topolšek
Darja Topolšek
PhD, Faculty of Logistics, University of Maribor
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe fl.uni-mb.si
Citat de
Citat de
Introduction to structural equation modeling: review, methodology and practical applications
D Dragan, D Topolšek
The International Conference on Logistics & Sustainable Transport 6, 19-21, 2014
Examination of driver detection of roadside traffic signs and advertisements using eye tracking
D Topolšek, I Areh, T Cvahte
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour 43, 212-224, 2016
Using the scanners and drone for comparison of point cloud accuracy at traffic accident analysis
MN Perc, D Topolšek
Accident Analysis & Prevention 135, 105391, 2020
Defining transport logistics: a literature review and practitioner opinion based approach
D Topolšek, K Čižiūnienė, TC Ojsteršek
Transport 33 (5), 1196-1203, 2018
The effect of road safety education on the relationship between Driver’s errors, violations and accidents: Slovenian case study
D Topolšek, D Babić, M Fiolić
European transport research review 11, 1-8, 2019
Uvod v logistiko: utrip poslovnih sistemov
M Šimenc, M Jeraj, D Topolšek
Fakulteta za logistiko, 2010
Influence of drivers’ visual and cognitive attention on their perception of changes in the traffic environment
T Cvahte Ojsteršek, D Topolšek
European transport research review 11 (1), 45, 2019
A comparative literature analysis of definitions for logistics: between general definition and definitions of subcategories
D Kukovič, D Topolšek, B Rosi, B Jereb
Business Logistics in Modern Management, 2014
Relationships between the motorcyclists’ behavioural perception and their actual behaviour
D Topolšek, D Dragan
Transport 33 (1), 151-164, 2018
Eye tracking use in researching driver distraction: A scientometric and qualitative literature review approach
TC Ojstersek, D Topolsek
Journal of eye movement research 12 (3), 10.16910/jemr. 12.3. 5, 2019
The logistic product of bicycle destinations
E Mrnjavac, N Kovačić, D Topolšek
Tourism and hospitality management 20 (2), 171-184, 2014
The accuracy analysis of measurement tools for traffic accident investigation
D Topolšek, EA Herbaj, M Sternad
Journal of Transportation Technologies 2014, 2014
Integration of travel agencies with transport providers
D Topolšek, E Mrnjavac, N Kovačić
Tourism management perspectives 9, 14-23, 2014
Factors influencing the purchase intention of autonomous cars
D Topolšek, D Babić, D Babić, T Cvahte Ojsteršek
Sustainability 12 (24), 10303, 2020
The holistic approach to urban mobility planning with a modified focus group, SWOT, and fuzzy analytical hierarchical process
U Kramar, D Dragan, D Topolšek
Sustainability 11 (23), 6599, 2019
Logistična infrastruktura VS
M Lipičnik, D Topolšek
Fakulteta za logistiko, 2008
Supply chain integration and firm performance in the tourism sector
D Dragan, T Kramberger, D Topolšek
The International Conference on Logistics & Sustainable Transport, 11-13, 2015
Collaborative behaviour as a facilitator of integration of logistic and marketing functions–the case of Slovene retailers
D Topolšek, A Čižman, M Lipičnik
Promet-Traffic&Transportation 22 (5), 353-362, 2010
Integration with transport suppliers and efficiency of travel agencies
D Dragan, A Keshavarzsaleh, B Jereb, D Topolšek
International Journal of Value Chain Management 9 (2), 122-148, 2018
Prevention of wrong-way driving on freeways
D Topolšek
Promet-Traffic&Transportation 19 (5), 311-321, 2007
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