Shenjiang Mo
Shenjiang Mo
Department of Leadership and Organizational Management, School of Management, Zhejiang University
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Citat de
Linking ethical leadership to employee burnout, workplace deviance and performance: Testing the mediating roles of trust in leader and surface acting
S Mo, J Shi
Journal of Business Ethics 144, 293-303, 2017
Linking ethical leadership to employees’ organizational citizenship behavior: Testing the multilevel mediation role of organizational concern
S Mo, J Shi
Journal of Business Ethics 141, 151-162, 2017
The curvilinear relationship between ethical leadership and team creativity: The moderating role of team faultlines
S Mo, CD Ling, XY Xie
Journal of Business Ethics 154, 229-242, 2019
Longitudinal analysis in occupational health psychology: A review and tutorial of three longitudinal modeling techniques
Y Liu, S Mo, Y Song, M Wang
Applied Psychology 65 (2), 379-411, 2016
The motivational antecedents and performance consequences of corporate volunteering: When do employees volunteer and when does volunteering help versus harm work performance?
J Hu, K Jiang, S Mo, H Chen, J Shi
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 137, 99-111, 2016
Good intentions, bad behavior: A review and synthesis of the literature on unethical prosocial behavior (UPB) at work
S Mo, MJ Lupoli, A Newman, EE Umphress
Journal of Organizational Behavior 44 (2), 335-354, 2023
The voice link: A moderated mediation model of how ethical leadership affects individual task performance
S Mo, J Shi
Journal of Business Ethics 152, 91-101, 2018
The Sound of Silence – A Space for Morality? The Role of Solitude for Ethical Decision Making
K Akrivou, D Bourantas, S Mo, E Papalois
Journal of Business Ethics 102, 119-133, 2011
The psychological consequences of the COVID-19 on residents and staff in nursing homes
S Mo, J Shi
Work, aging and retirement 6 (4), 254-259, 2020
Linking colleague support to employees’ promotive voice: A moderated mediation model
XY Xie, CD Ling, SJ Mo, K Luan
PloS One 10 (7), e0132123, 2015
How do Chinese firms deal with inter-organizational conflict?
S Mo, SA Booth, Z Wang
Journal of business ethics 108, 121-129, 2012
Look up, look around: Is there anything different about team-level OCB in China?
S Mo, Z Wang, K Akrivou, SA Booth
Journal of Management & Organization 18 (6), 818-832, 2012
Team learning, transactive memory system and team performance: A longitudinal study based on the IMOI approach
S Mo, X Xie
Frontiers of Business Research in China 4, 409-422, 2010
How boards’ factional faultlines affect corporate financial fraud
S Xue, Y Tang, Y Xu, CD Ling, XY Xie, S Mo
Asia Pacific Journal of Management 41 (1), 351-376, 2024
Performance goal orientation and unethical pro-organizational behavior: a moderated mediation model
S Mo, Y Song, Y Fang, M Wang, J Shi, W Jin, X Zhao
The InTernaTIonal Journal of human resource managemenT 34 (18), 3431-3463, 2023
Relative leader-member exchange and unethical pro-leader behavior: the role of envy and distributive justice climate
H Li, S Zhang, S Mo, A Newman
Journal of Business Ethics 192 (1), 99-111, 2024
The impact of conflict on performance: The moderating effects of individual and team agreeableness
WEI Wei, F Yanran, LI Jiannan, SHI Junqi, MO Shenjiang
Acta Psychologica Sinica 52 (3), 345, 2020
The impact of supervisor’s creativity expectation on team creativity.
LIU Weiguo, F Yanran, SHI Junqi, MO Shenjiang
Acta Psychologica Sinica, 2018
Turning a blind eye to team members’ unethical behavior: The role of reward systems
Q Hu, H Adam, S Desai, S Mo
Journal of Business Ethics 194 (2), 297-316, 2024
Can corporate philanthropy be driven from the bottom to the top? Evidence from China
L Zhang, S Mo, H Chen, J Wu
Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal 11 (5), 841-861, 2020
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