Resources, agency, achievements: Reflections on the measurement of women's empowerment N Kabeer Development and change 30 (3), 435-464, 1999 | 7747 | 1999 |
Reversed realities: Gender hierarchies in development thought N Kabeer Verso, 1994 | 4727 | 1994 |
Gender equality and women's empowerment: A critical analysis of the third millennium development goal 1 N Kabeer Gender & development 13 (1), 13-24, 2005 | 3454 | 2005 |
Conflicts over credit: Re-evaluating the empowerment potential of loans to women in rural Bangladesh N Kabeer World development 29 (1), 63-84, 2001 | 1932 | 2001 |
The power to choose: Bangladeshi women and labor market decisions in London and Dhaka N Kabeer Verso, 2002 | 1343 | 2002 |
Gender Mainstreaming in Poverty Eradication and the Millennium Development Goals: A handbook for policy-makers and other stakeholders N Kabeer Commonwealth Secretariat, 2003 | 1113 | 2003 |
Gender equality, inclusive growth, and labour markets N Kabeer Women's economic empowerment, 13-48, 2021 | 1078 | 2021 |
Reflections on the measurement of women’s empowerment N Kabeer Sweden. Styrelsen för internationellt utvecklingssamarbete, 2001 | 922 | 2001 |
Is microfinance a'magic bullet'for women's empowerment? Analysis of findings from South Asia N Kabeer Economic and Political weekly, 4709-4718, 2005 | 862 | 2005 |
The conditions and consequences of choice: reflections on the measurement of women's empowerment N Kabeer Unrisd 108, 1-58, 1999 | 777 | 1999 |
Women, wages and intra‐household power relations in urban Bangladesh N Kabeer Development and change 28 (2), 261-302, 1997 | 619 | 1997 |
Social Exclusion, Poverty and Discrimination Towards an Analytical Framework N Kabeer IDS bulletin 31 (4), 83-97, 2000 | 603 | 2000 |
Gender equality and economic growth: Is there a win‐win? N Kabeer, L Natali IDS Working Papers 2013 (417), 1-58, 2013 | 581 | 2013 |
Globalization, gender and poverty: Bangladeshi women workers in export and local markets N Kabeer, S Mahmud Journal of international development 16 (1), 93-109, 2004 | 575 | 2004 |
Money can't buy me love? Re-evaluating gender, credit and empowerment in rural Bangladesh N Kabeer The Institute of Development Studies and Partner Organisations, 1998 | 553 | 1998 |
Inclusive citizenship: Meanings and expressions N Kabeer Zed Books, 2005 | 538 | 2005 |
Between affiliation and autonomy: navigating pathways of women's empowerment and gender justice in rural Bangladesh N Kabeer Development and change 42 (2), 499-528, 2011 | 513 | 2011 |
Globalization, labor standards, and women's rights: dilemmas of collective (in) action in an interdependent world N Kabeer Feminist Economics 10 (1), 3-35, 2004 | 487 | 2004 |
Gender equality, economic growth, and women’s agency: the “endless variety” and “monotonous similarity” of patriarchal constraints N Kabeer Feminist economics 22 (1), 295-321, 2016 | 458 | 2016 |
Realidades trastocadas: las jerarquías de género en el pensamiento del desarrollo NA Kabeer [Sl],[Sl]: Ediciones Paidós,, 1998 | 439 | 1998 |