blanca sarzo
blanca sarzo
Postdoctoral Fellowship, University of Valencia-University of Edinburgh
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Green gentrification in European and North American cities
I Anguelovski, JJT Connolly, H Cole, M Garcia-Lamarca, M Triguero-Mas, ...
Nature communications 13 (1), 3816, 2022
Lessons from a failed translocation program with a seabird species: Determinants of success and conservation value
D Oro, A Martínez-Abraín, E Villuendas, B Sarzo, E Mínguez, J Carda, ...
Biological Conservation 144 (2), 851-858, 2011
Exploring green gentrification in 28 global North cities: The role of urban parks and other types of greenspaces
M Triguero-Mas, I Anguelovski, JJT Connolly, N Martin, A Matheney, ...
Environmental research letters 17 (10), 104035, 2022
Sex-specific mortality of European shags after the Prestige oil spill: demographic implications for the recovery of colonies
A Martínez-Abraín, A Velando, D Oro, M Genovart, C Gerique, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 318, 271-276, 2006
Fatty acid signature analysis confirms foraging resources of a globally endangered Mediterranean seabird species: calibration test and application to the wild
R Käkelä, A Käkelä, A Martínez-Abraín, B Sarzo, M Louzao, C Gerique, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 398, 245-258, 2010
Urinary arsenic species and methylation efficiency during pregnancy: concentrations and associated factors in Spanish pregnant women
R Soler-Blasco, M Murcia, M Lozano, B Sarzo, A Esplugues, J Vioque, ...
Environmental Research 196, 110889, 2021
Prenatal arsenic exposure, arsenic methylation efficiency, and neuropsychological development among preschool children in a Spanish birth cohort
R Soler-Blasco, M Murcia, M Lozano, B Sarzo, A Esplugues, ...
Environmental Research 207, 112208, 2022
Unforeseen effects of ecosystem restoration on yellow-legged gulls in a small western Mediterranean island
A Martínez-Abraín, B Sarzo, E Villuendas, MA Bartolomé, E Mínguez, ...
Environmental Conservation 31 (3), 219-224, 2004
Increased parental effort fails to buffer the cascading effects of warmer seas on common guillemot demographic rates
S Wanless, SD Albon, F Daunt, B Sarzo, MA Newell, C Gunn, ...
Journal of Animal Ecology 92 (8), 1622-1638, 2023
Association between phenols and thyroid hormones: The role of iodothyronine deiodinase genes
B Sarzo, R Abumallouh, N Marín, S Llop, A Beneito, I Lopez-Flores, ...
Environmental Pollution 311, 119926, 2022
Morphometric similarities between central and peripheral populations of the European shag Phalacrocorax aristotelis
A MARTĆ, D Oro, A Velando, M Genovart, C Gerique, MA BARTOLOMĆ, ...
Marine Ornithology 34, 21-24, 2006
Maternal Perfluoroalkyl Substances, Thyroid Hormones, and DIO Genes: A Spanish Cross-sectional Study
B Sarzo, V Ballesteros, C Iniguez, CB Manzano-Salgado, M Casas, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 55 (16), 11144-11154, 2021
Pre and postnatal exposure to mercury and sexual development in 9-year-old children in Spain: The role of brain-derived neurotrophic factor
B Sarzo, F Ballester, R Soler-Blasco, MJ Lopez-Espinosa, M Lozano, ...
Environmental Research 213, 113620, 2022
Bayesian immature survival analysis of the largest colony of Common Murre (Uria aalge) in the Baltic Sea
B Sarzo, C Armero, D Conesa, J Hentati-Sundberg, O Olsson
Waterbirds 42 (3), 304-313, 2019
When ecological individual heterogeneity models and large data collide: An importance sampling approach
R King, B Sarzo, V Elvira
The Annals of Applied Statistics 17 (4), 3112-3132, 2023
Correcting bias in survival probabilities for partially monitored populations via integrated models
B Sarzo, R King, D Conesa, J Hentati-Sundberg
Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics 26, 200-219, 2021
Erradicación de galápagos exóticos en los humedales de la comunidad Valenciana y su repercusión en las poblaciones de galápago europeo (Emys orbicularis)
JV Bataller, MA Bartolome, F Cervera, MA Monsalve, A Pradillo, B Sarzo, ...
XI Congreso Luso Español de Herpetología/XV Congreso Español de Herpetología …, 2010
Association of prenatal exposure to phthalates and synthetic phenols with pubertal development in three European cohorts
C Freire, F Castiello, I Babarro, A Anguita-Ruiz, M Casas, M Vrijheid, ...
International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 261, 114418, 2024
Modelling seabirds biodiversity through Bayesian Spatial Beta regression models: A proxy to inform marine protected areas in the Mediterranean Sea
B Sarzo, J Martínez-Minaya, MG Pennino, D Conesa, M Coll
Marine Environmental Research 185, 105860, 2023
Scientifically-based management solves conflict between European storm petrels and their facultative predator at minimum cost
A Dani, A Sanz, E Mínguez, L León, A Martínez-Abraín, B Sarzo, ...
Ecologia Mediterranea 31 (1), 104-105, 2005
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