Mumtaz Ali Memon
Mumtaz Ali Memon
Alte numeMumtaz Memon, Memon, Mumtaz Ali
Sohar University, Faculty of Business
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Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling Using SmartPLS 3.0
T Ramayah, J Cheah, F Chuah, H Ting, MA Memon
Pearson Malaysia, 2016
Sample Size for Survey Research: Review and Recommendations
MA Memon, H Ting, JH Cheah, R Thurasamy, F Chuah, TH Cham
Journal of Applied Structural Equation Modeling 4 (2), i-xx, 2020
Moderation Analysis: Issues and Guidelines
MA Memon, J Cheah, T Ramayah, H Ting, F Chuah, TH Cham
Journal of Applied Structural Equation Modeling 3 (1), 1-11, 2019
Mediation Analysis: Issues and Recommendations
MA Memon, J Cheah, T Ramayah, H Ting, F Chuah
Journal of Applied Structural Equation Modeling 2 (1), i-ix, 2018
A review of the methodological misconceptions and guidelines related to the application of structural equation modelling: a Malaysian scenario
MA Memon, H Ting, T Ramayah, F Chuah, JH Cheah
Journal of Applied Structural Equation Modeling 1 (1), i-xiii, 2017
PLS-SEM Statistical Programs: A Review
MA Memon, T Ramayah, H Cheah, Jun-Hwa, Ting, F Chuah, TH Cham
Journal of Applied Structural Equation Modeling 5 (1), i-xiv, 2021
Multigroup Analysis using SmartPLS: Step-by-Step Guidelines for Business Research
JH Cheah, T Ramayah, MA Memon, F Chuah, H Ting
Asian Journal of Business Research 10 (3), 1-19, 2020
The Link between Training Satisfaction, Work Engagement and Turnover Intention
MA Memon, R Salleh, MNR Baharom
European Journal of Training & Development 40 (6), 20, 2016
Satisfaction Matters: The Relationships between Human Resource Management Practices, Work Engagement and Turnover Intention
MA Memon, R Saleh, MZ Mirza, JH Cheah, H Ting, MS Ahmad, A Tariq
International Journal of Manpower, 2020
Person-Organization Fit and Turnover Intention: The Mediating Role of Employee Engagement
MA Memon, R Salleh, MNR Baharom, H Harun
Global Business and Management Research: An International Journal 6 (3), 205-209, 2014
A comparison of five reflective–formative estimation approaches: reconsideration and recommendations for tourism research
JH Cheah, H Ting, T Ramayah, MA Memon, TH Cham, E Ciavolino
Quality & Quantity 53, 1421-1458, 2019
The effect of selfie promotion and celebrity endorsed advertisement on decision-making processes: A model comparison
JH Cheah, H Ting, TH Cham, MA Memon
Internet Research 29 (3), 552-577, 2019
Linking Person-Job Fit, Person-Organization Fit, Employee Engagement and Turnover Intention: A Three-Step Conceptual Model
MA Memon, R Salleh, MNR Baharom
Asian Social Science 11 (2), 313-320, 2014
Assessing Reflective Models in Marketing Research: A Comparison Between PLS and PLSc Estimates
J Cheah, MA Memon, F Chuah, H Ting, T Ramayah
International Journal of Business and Society 19 (1), 139-160, 2018
Person-organisation fit and turnover intention: The mediating role of work engagement
MA Memon, R Salleh, SMN Nordin, H Jun-Hwa, Chea, Ting, F Chuah
Journal of Management Development 37 (3), 1-16, 2018
The Relationship between Work Readiness Skills, Career Self-efficacy and Career Exploration among Engineering Graduates: A Proposed Framework
BI Makki, R Salleh, MA Memon, H Harun
Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 10 (9 …, 2015
Performance appraisal satisfaction and turnover intention: The mediating role of work engagement
MA Memon, R Salleh, MZ Mirza, JH Cheah, H Ting, MS Ahmad
Management Decision 58 (6), 1053-1066, 2020
The relationship between training satisfaction, organisational citizenship behaviour, and turnover intention: A PLS-SEM approach
MA Memon, R Salleh, MNR Baharom, SM Nordin, H Ting
Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance, 1-24, 2017
Mediating Role of Self-Efficacy in the Relationship between Optimism, Psychological Well-Being and Resilience among Iranian Students
F Sabouripour, S Roslan, Z Ghiami, MA Memon
Frontiers in Psychology 12, 1-11, 2021
Compulsive buying of branded apparel, its antecedents, and the mediating role of brand attachment
XJ Lim, JH Cheah, TH Cham, H Ting, MA Memon
Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics 32 (7), 1539-1563, 2020
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