luisa natali
luisa natali
UNICEF Office of Research
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe unicef.org
Citat de
Citat de
Gender equality and economic growth: is there a win-win?
N Kabeer, L Natali
IDS Working paper, 2013
Children’s subjective well-being in rich countries
J Bradshaw, B Martorano, L Natali, C de Neubourg
Child Indicators Research 6 (4), 619-635, 2013
Can unconditional cash transfers raise long-term living standards? Evidence from Zambia
S Handa, L Natali, D Seidenfeld, G Tembo, B Davis, ...
Journal of Development Economics 133, 42-65, 2018
Untying Aid: Is it working? An Evaluation of the Implementation of the Paris Declaration and of the 2001 DAC Recommendation of Untying ODA to the LDCs
EJ Clay, M Geddes, L Natali
Copenhagen: DIIS. Available at: www. oecd. org/dataoecd/51/35/44375975. pdf, 2009
Gendered patterns of time use in tanzania: Public Investment in Infrastructure Can Help
M Fontana, L Natali
Measuring Household Welfare: Short versus Long Consumption modules
M Moratti, L Natali
Innocenti Working Papers, 26, 2012
Does money buy happiness? Evidence from an unconditional cash transfer in Zambia
L Natali, S Handa, A Peterman, D Seidenfeld, G Tembo
SSM-Population Health 4, 225-235, 2018
Child well-being in advanced economies in the late 2000s
B Martorano, L Natali, C de Neubourg, J Bradshaw
Social indicators research 118 (1), 247-283, 2014
Child well-being in advanced economies in the late 2000s
B Martorano, L Natali, C de Neubourg, J Bradshaw
Social indicators research 118 (1), 247-283, 2014
The impact of Zambia’s unconditional child grant on schooling and work: results from a large-scale social experiment
S Handa, L Natali, D Seidenfeld, G Tembo
Journal of Development Effectiveness 8 (3), 346-367, 2016
The Impact of Zambia’s Unconditional Child Grant on Schooling and Work
S Handa, L Natali, D Seidenfeld, G Tembo
United Nations, 2015
Cash Transfers, Early Marriage, and Fertility in Malawi and Zambia
F Dake, L Natali, G Angeles, J de Hoop, S Handa, A Peterman, ...
Studies in family planning 49 (4), 295-317, 2018
Household Welfare Measurement in Bangladesh: A tale of two short consumption modules
C De Neubourg, L Natali
Innocenti Working Papers, 2014
Making Money Work
L Natali, S Handa, A Peterman, D Seidenfeld, G Tembo
United Nations, 2016
Making money work: Unconditional cash transfers allow women to save and re-invest in rural Zambia
L Natali, S Handa, A Peterman, D Seidenfeld, G Tembo
Innocenti Working Papers Papers, 2016
Thematic Study, The Developmental Effectiveness of Untied Aid: Evaluation of the Implementation of the Paris Declaration and of the 2001 DAC Recommendation on Untying ODA To …
EJ Clay, M Geddes, L Natali, DW te Velde
Copenhagen, December, 2008
Can Unconditional Cash Transfers Lead to Sustainable Poverty Reduction?
S Handa, L Natali, D Seidenfeld, G Tembo, B Davis
United Nations, 2016
Child Well-being in Economically Rich Countries: Changes in the first decade of the 21st century
B Martorano, C de Neubourg, L Natali, J Bradshaw, UNICEF
UNICEF Office of Research, 2013
Child Well-being in Economically Rich Countries: Changes in the first decade of the 21st century
J Bradshaw, B Martorano, C De Neubourg, L Natali
Innocenti Working Papers, 2013
Aid Untying: Is it Working?
E Clay, M Geddes, L Natali
Overseas Development Institute, London, 2009
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