Maria Luísa Pereira
Maria Luísa Pereira
"la Caixa" Foundation PhD Fellow, IVAR, Universidade dos Açores
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Characterization and correlation of engineering properties of basalts
ML Pereira, P F. da Silva, I Fernandes, C Chastre
Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment 80, 2889-2910, 2021
The contribution of hydrothermal mineral alteration analysis and gas geothermometry for understanding high-temperature geothermal fields–the case of Ribeira Grande geothermal …
ML Pereira, D Matias, F Viveiros, L Moreno, C Silva, V Zanon, J Uchôa
Geothermics 105, 102519, 2022
Hydrothermal alteration and physical and mechanical properties of rocks in a volcanic environment: A review
ML Pereira, V Zanon, I Fernandes, L Pappalardo, F Viveiros
Earth-Science Reviews, 104754, 2024
Natural stone heterogeneities and discontinuities: An overview and proposal of a classification system
ML Pereira, A Dionísio, MB Garcia, L Bento, P Amaral, M Ramos
Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment 82 (4), 152, 2023
Migmatitos: características petrológicas e geoquímicas, formação e evolução
AR Pereira, M Pereira, M Teixeira, P Amaro, T Bento dos Santos, J Mata
Geonovas 30, 79-86, 2017
Estudo petrográfico, mineralógico e geotermobarométrico preliminar do Complexo Anatéctico da Serra da Estrela
P Amaro, AR Pereira, M Pereira, M Teixeira, T Bento dos Santos, J Mata, ...
VI Congresso Jovens Investigadores em Geociências–LEG, 71-75, 2016
Caracterização geotécnica de rochas vulcânicas de Lisboa–um contributo
M Pereira
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Geológica …, 2018
A multi-method approach in the physical and mechanical assessment of lava rocks with distinct microstructure
ML Pereira, L Pappalardo, G Buono, N Cueto, C Vázquez-Calvo, R Fort, ...
Engineering Geology 346, 107907, 2025
Hydric and mechanical properties assessment of basalts from Madeira island, Portugal
N Cueto, JFV de Sousa, JPS Perneta, R Meza, ML Pereira
Geotechnical Engineering Challenges to Meet Current and Emerging Needs of …, 2024
Statistical characterisation of the porosity of rocks from Fogo volcano (S. Miguel island, azores, portugal)
ML Pereira, P Lucia, G Buono, N Cueto, V Zanon, I Fernandes
GeostatsS2024 - 12th International Geostatistics Congress; Ponta Delgada …, 2024
Microstructural, textural, and physical characterisation of volcanic rocks from Fogo volcano - S. Miguel (Azores), Portugal
ML Pereira, P Lucia, G Buono, V Zanon, I Fernandes
Mediterranean Geosciences Union Annual meeting (MedGU-23), Istanbul. 334 …, 2023
Physical and mechanical characterization of Liós Limestone as building stone
M Kabaca, ML Pereira, I Fernandes, M Cachão, C Marques da Silva
18º Congresso Nacional de Geotecnia, Universidade de Évora, Portugal, 10, 2023
Caracterização geotécnica dos basaltos do Complexo Vulcânico de Lisboa - do maciço rochoso à rocha intacta
ML Pereira
17º Congresso Nacional de Geotecnia - 11º Prémio José Folque; Laboratório …, 2021
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