Sofia Bajocco
Sofia Bajocco
Council for Agricultural Research and Economics (CREA) - Centre for Agriculture and Environment
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The impact of land use/land cover changes on land degradation dynamics: a Mediterranean case study
S Bajocco, A De Angelis, L Perini, A Ferrara, L Salvati
Environmental management 49, 980-989, 2012
Land sensitivity to desertification across Italy: past, present, and future
L Salvati, S Bajocco
Applied geography 31 (1), 223-231, 2011
Evidence of selective burning in Sardinia (Italy): which land-cover classes do wildfires prefer?
S Bajocco, C Ricotta
Landscape Ecology 23, 241-248, 2008
Linking trajectories of land change, land degradation processes and ecosystem services
D Smiraglia, T Ceccarelli, S Bajocco, L Salvati, L Perini
Environmental research 147, 590-600, 2016
Urbanisation and land take of high quality agricultural soils-exploring long-term land use changes and land capability in Northern Italy
T Ceccarelli, S Bajocco, PL LUIGI, SL Luca
Current wildland fire patterns and challenges in Europe: A synthesis of national perspectives
N Fernandez-Anez, A Krasovskiy, M Müller, H Vacik, J Baetens, E Hukić, ...
Air, Soil and Water Research 14, 11786221211028185, 2021
Modeling the ecological niche of long-term land use changes: The role of biophysical factors
S Bajocco, T Ceccarelli, D Smiraglia, L Salvati, C Ricotta
Ecological indicators 60, 231-236, 2016
To grow or to sprawl? Land Cover Relationships in a Mediterranean City Region and implications for land use management
L Salvati, A Sateriano, S Bajocco
Cities 30, 113-121, 2013
Mapping forest fuels through vegetation phenology: The role of coarse-resolution satellite time-series
S Bajocco, E Dragoz, I Gitas, D Smiraglia, L Salvati, C Ricotta
PloS one 10 (3), e0119811, 2015
A satellite-based green index as a proxy for vegetation cover quality in a Mediterranean region
S Bajocco, A De Angelis, L Salvati
Ecological Indicators 23, 578-587, 2012
Land degradation versus fire: A spiral process?
S Bajocco, L Salvati, C Ricotta
Progress in Physical Geography 35 (1), 3-18, 2011
Characterizing potential wildland fire fuel in live vegetation in the Mediterranean region
S Fares, S Bajocco, L Salvati, N Camarretta, JL Dupuy, G Xanthopoulos, ...
Annals of Forest Science 74, 1-14, 2017
Unraveling landscape complexity: land use/land cover changes and landscape pattern dynamics (1954–2008) in contrasting peri-urban and agro-forest regions of northern Italy
D Smiraglia, T Ceccarelli, S Bajocco, L Perini, L Salvati
Environmental Management 56, 916-932, 2015
Towards a process-based evaluation of land vulnerability to soil degradation in Italy
L Salvati, S Bajocco, T Ceccarelli, M Zitti, L Perini
Ecological Indicators 11 (5), 1216-1227, 2011
A bibliometric analysis on the use of unmanned aerial vehicles in agricultural and forestry studies
E Raparelli, S Bajocco
International Journal of Remote Sensing 40 (24), 9070-9083, 2019
Climate aridity and land use changes: A regional‐scale analysis
L Salvati, L Perini, A Sabbi, S Bajocco
Geographical Research 50 (2), 193-203, 2012
Shaping the role of'fast'and'slow'drivers of change in forest-shrubland socio-ecological systems
A Ferrara, C Kelly, GA Wilson, A Nolè, G Mancino, S Bajocco, L Salvati
Journal of Environmental Management 169, 155-166, 2016
Assessing spring frost effects on beech forests in Central Apennines from remotely-sensed data
M Bascietto, S Bajocco, F Mazzenga, G Matteucci
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 248, 240-250, 2018
Using Monte Carlo simulations to estimate relative fire ignition danger in a low-to-medium fire-prone region
M Conedera, D Torriani, C Neff, C Ricotta, S Bajocco, GB Pezzatti
Forest Ecology and Management 261 (12), 2179-2187, 2011
Assessing the influence of roads on fire ignition: does land cover matter?
C Ricotta, S Bajocco, D Guglietta, M Conedera
Fire 1 (2), 24, 2018
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