Narongsak (Tek) Thongpapanl
Narongsak (Tek) Thongpapanl
Alte numeNarongsak Thongpapanl
Goodman School of Business, Brock University
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe brocku.ca - Pagina de pornire
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Citat de
The moderating impact of internal social exchange processes on the entrepreneurial orientation–performance relationship
D De Clercq, D Dimov, NT Thongpapanl
Journal of business venturing 25 (1), 87-103, 2010
The application of the technology acceptance model under different cultural contexts: The case of online shopping adoption
AR Ashraf, N Thongpapanl, S Auh
Journal of International Marketing 22 (3), 68-93, 2014
Organizational social capital, formalization, and internal knowledge sharing in entrepreneurial orientation formation
D De Clercq, D Dimov, N Thongpapanl
Entrepreneurship theory and practice 37 (3), 505-537, 2013
When good conflict gets better and bad conflict becomes worse: The role of social capital in the conflict–innovation relationship
D De Clercq, N Thongpapanl, D Dimov
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 37, 283-297, 2009
PERSPECTIVE: Ranking the Technology Innovation Management Journals*
JD Linton, N Thongpapanl
Journal of Product Innovation Management 21 (2), 123-139, 2004
A closer look at cross‐functional collaboration and product innovativeness: Contingency effects of structural and relational context
D De Clercq, N Thongpapanl, D Dimov
Journal of Product Innovation Management 28 (5), 680-697, 2011
Enhancing online performance through website content and personalization
N Thongpapanl, AR Ashraf
Journal of computer information systems 52 (1), 3-13, 2011
The changing landscape of technology and innovation management: An updated ranking of journals in the field
NT Thongpapanl
Technovation 32 (5), 257-271, 2012
Contextual ambidexterity in SMEs: The roles of internal and external rivalry
D De Clercq, N Thongpapanl, D Dimov
Small Business Economics 42, 191-205, 2014
The role of m-commerce readiness in emerging and developed markets
AR Ashraf, N Thongpapanl, B Menguc, G Northey
Journal of International Marketing 25 (2), 25-51, 2017
The connection and disconnection between e-commerce businesses and their customers: Exploring the role of engagement, perceived usefulness, and perceived ease-of-use
AR Ashraf, NT Thongpapanl, S Spyropoulou
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 20, 69-86, 2016
Strategic Imperatives of Mobile Commerce in Developing Countries: The Influence of Consumer Innovativeness, Ubiquity, Perceived Value, Risk, and Cost on Usage
A Anwar, N Thongpapanl, A Ashraf
Journal of Strategic Marketing, 2020
Influence of stages of economic development on women entrepreneurs' startups
DHB Welsh, E Kaciak, N Thongpapanl
Journal of Business Research 69 (11), 4933-4940, 2016
Perceived Values and Motivations Influencing M-Commerce Use: A Nine-country Comparative Study
V Ashraf, A., Thongpapanl, N., Anwar, A., Lapa, L. and Venkatesh
International Journal of Information Management, 2021
Structural and relational interdependence and entrepreneurial orientation in small and medium-sized enterprises: The mediating role of internal knowledge-sharing
D De Clercq, D Dimov, N Thongpapanl
International Small Business Journal 33 (5), 514-536, 2015
Shedding new light on the relationship between contextual ambidexterity and firm performance: An investigation of internal contingencies
D De Clercq, NT Thongpapanl, D Dimov
Technovation 33 (4-5), 119-132, 2013
Sustainability in the face of institutional adversity: Market turbulence, network embeddedness, and innovative orientation
D De Clercq, N Thongpapanl, M Voronov
Journal of Business Ethics 148, 437-455, 2018
Differential effects of customers’ regulatory fit on trust, perceived value, and m-commerce use among developing and developed countries
N Thongpapanl, AR Ashraf, L Lapa, V Venkatesh
Journal of International Marketing 26 (3), 22-44, 2018
Effect of export experience and market scope strategy on export performance: Evidence from Poland
J Cieślik, E Kaciak, NT Thongpapanl
International Business Review 24 (5), 772-780, 2015
Connecting with and converting shoppers into customers: Investigating the role of regulatory fit in the online customer's decision-making process
AR Ashraf, N Thongpapanl
Journal of Interactive Marketing 32 (1), 13-25, 2015
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